Member Details


The Member Details screen provides detailed information on all aspects of a single Member.


To access the Members Details screen, click on the desired record from the Members screen.

You can also access the Member Details screen from a variety of other screens, such as Reward Details, for example. If you click on the Member name, the Member Details screen is displayed and populated with the details of that Member.

Navigation links are provided near the top of the Member Details screen:

The Member Details screen is organized into a series of tabs. For more information about the features available within these tabs, select an item below.

Select an item above for more information

















Action Log

Punch Cards

Gift Cards





The basic attributes for the Member are displayed at the top of the screen in the Header section. The features available within this section are described below.

 Add an Activity Record

Click hereClick here

To manually create a new Member Activity record:

  1. In the top-right corner of the Member Details screen, click activity. The "New Activity" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. The "Activity Time" field is automatically populated with the current date and time. Optionally enter a different date and time in this field.

  3. From the "Time Zone" drop-down menu, select the time zone.

  4. From the "Activity Type" drop-down menu, select an Activity Type. The attributes associated with this Activity Type are displayed.

  5. Using the Form toggle button, select a data entry method for filling in the Activity attributes:

  • Structured (default): Display the attributes as a series of text fields and drop-down menus. Enter or select the desired values for this new Activity record.

  • Raw: Display the attributes as JSON code. Modify the JSON code in order to provide the desired values for this new activity record.

  1. Click create.  


 Manage Security Profile

Click hereClick here

To view or edit a Member's security profile:

  1. In the top-right corner of the Member Details screen, click security. The "Security" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Select one of the following tabs:

  • Password: To change the Member's password, enter a new password in the "Password" field and again in the "Confirm Password" field. Optionally, check the "Require change of password on next login" and / or "Auto generate password" check boxes.

  • Permission: Select whether this Member can view attendees, and whether this Member can connect to attendees.

  • Confirmation: Click send confirmation instruction to send an email to the Member containing account confirmation instructions. To manually confirm the Member's account, click confirm.

  1. When finished, click close.


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