Member Details: Documents Tab


The Documents tab allows you to upload and store documents associated with a Member.


The features available on the Documents tab are described below. 

 Searching and Sorting

Click hereClick here


The search feature allows you to search for a specified text string anywhere within the document file name, document name, type, or period.

  1. Optionally, in the search field, enter the desired text string.

  2. Press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon).

  3. The Documents tab is refreshed to show only the documents that meet your search criteria.

  4. To remove all search criteria, click the remove button ("X" icon).


The "Sort" drop-down menu allows you to sort the documents on a variety of different fields. To sort the list of documents, select the desired sort option from this menu.

  • Created Date (the default option)

  • Updated Date

  • Member Name


 Upload a Document

Click hereClick here

To upload a new document:

  1. Click upload document.

  2. Browse to and select the desired document. Click open.

  3. The platform imports the file. When the import process is complete, the document is displayed within the Documents tab.


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