Marketing Console Users Guide


Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipts lets a brand capture online and in-store purchase receipts. Members can accrue points and receive prizes for submitting receipts. Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipts can use a variety of member attributes–Member Id, Email, Phone number, Member Card Number, or Member Integration Id–to identify the member for an incoming receipt.

Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipts has several methods to collect receipts:

You can use the pre-built reports and dashboards to analyze your receipts, and also use the receipt history to target content, such as Offers and Rewards, to members.

Setting Up Receipts

Receipt Program Settings

Use the Program | Program Settings screen to setup your Receipt settings:

Using The Receipts Screen

Use the Products | Receipts screen to manage your Receipts.

Searching and Sorting

The Receipts screen includes a variety of facilities to make it easy for you to search, filter, sort, and export/import records.

Receipt Summary

Each Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipt has the following attributes:

Receipt Image

Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipts lets you capture a receipt image. If you are using the receipt scanning feature, Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipts automatically scans the receipt and attempts to store the receipt information, including the receipt header and receipt items, then calculates the metrics to award to the member, if any.

If Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipts is unable to correctly scan the receipt image, Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipt sets the outcome to manual processing. If needed, Click the ‘Scan Receipt’ button to instruct Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipts to perform another receipt scan. You can then use the ‘Approve’ and ‘Reject’ buttons to manually approve and reject the receipt.

Receipt Items

The ‘Receipt Items’ tab shows items included in the Receipt.

If you are using the receipt scanning feature, Cheetah Digital Loyalty Receipts inserts Receipt Items for all items where an exact Code Value exists in Cheetah Digital Loyalty Codes. You can also manually add and delete receipt items.

Each Receipt Item has the following attributes:

Using Receipt Dashboards

Use the Products | Receipts Dashboard screen to analyze receipts. You can analyze:

Also See