Marketing Console Users Guide

Submit Content

Submit member-generated content, such as Photo, Video, or a Caption Photo Challenge.

Photo Challenge

Ask members to enter a photo with desired characteristics. Use the Challenge | Definition screen to specify the photo resolution (original, high, medium, or low) and whether to share the photo submission on the News Feed and Gallery ‘On Submission’, ‘On Approval’, or via ‘Manual Sharing’.

Video Challenge

Ask members to enter a video with desired characteristics. Use the Challenge | Definition screen to specify the limit for the video size and whether to share the video submission on the News Feed and Gallery ‘On Submission’, ‘On Approval’, or via ‘Manual Sharing’.

Caption Photo (Meme) Challenge

Ask members to add a caption to a predefined image. Use the Challenge | Definition screen to specify the type of photo caption (caption over image, caption separate from image) and whether to share the submission on the News Feed and Gallery ‘On Submission’, ‘On Approval’, or via ‘Manual Sharing’.