Punch Card Details: Named Punches


The Named Punches tab is used to define and manage the Named Punches for this Punch Card.

Named Punches are an optional feature that allow you to create qualifying rules for each punch on the Punch Card, thereby treating each punch as a unique scenario. Named Punches can be used, for example, if you want to incentivize your Members to try different products. You can assign a set of SKUs to each Named Punch. The platform will then identify the product purchased, and give the Member credit for the corresponding Named Punch.  

Note: Named Punches are available only for Standard Punch Cards types. 

The rules for each Named Punch are defined using Punch Criteria. Punch Criteria allow you to define different logical conditions for each Named Punch. These conditions are used to evaluate if the Member has successfully earned the punch or not. Punch Criteria are conceptually similar to a Triggered Action, in that they consist of a trigger (such as a purchase), a condition that must be met (such as a series of SKUs for example), and a resulting action (a punch). Punch Criteria essentially serve as a streamlined Triggered Action, built directly into the Punch Card Details screen. Punch Criteria are available to clients who use the Loyalty Point of Sale API to process orders.

Note: Clients using other order processing API endpoints, or who import orders into Loyalty, can't currently use Punch Criteria. Those clients must configure Triggered Actions to evaluate purchases activities and to issue punches.


Manage Named Punches

The features available in the Named Punches tab are described below. 

 Searching and Sorting

Click hereClick here


The search feature allows you to search for a specified text string anywhere within the following fields: Named Punch display name or internal name.  

  1. Optionally, in the search field near the top of the Named Punches tab, enter the desired text string.

  2. Press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon).

  3. The Named Punches tab is refreshed to show only the named punches that meet your search criteria.

  4. To remove all search criteria, click the remove button ("X" icon).


The "Sort" drop-down menu allows you to sort the named punches on a variety of different fields. To sort the list of named punches, select the desired sort option from this menu.

  • ID (default option)

  • Label

  • Name

  • Date Created

  • Date Updated


 Create a Named Punch

Click hereClick here

To create a Named Punch:

  1. In the "Enter Display Name" field, enter the name of the new named punch.

  2. Click create. The "Add Named Punch" pop-up window is displayed.

  3. The "Display Name" field is populated with the value you entered aboves; optionally edit this value.

  4. The "Internal Name" is automatically populated based on the "Display Name" value. This field is disabled by default. To edit the Internal Name, check edit internal name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.

  5. From the "Status" drop-down menu, select a status value -- Active or Archived.

  6. To create an image for this Named Punch, click choose file. Navigate to and select the desired image file.

  7. In the "Sequence" field, enter a numeric sequence value. This field allows you to arrange the Named Punches into a specific sort sequence. 

  8. In the "Maximum Punches" field, enter the number of times that a Member can earn this Named Punch when trying to complete the Punch Card. 

  9. You can optionally set a maximum number of times that this Named Punch can be earned within a time frame, such as "one per day." In the "Rate Limit" field, enter the maximum number. From the "Punches Per" drop-down menu, select the time period.

  10. Click save.  

  11. Repeat the above steps as needed to define additional Named Punches.

Note: Loyalty supports more complex Named Punch logic referred to as "Punch Criteria." This feature must enabled within your Loyalty account on the Program Settings screen. For more details, see "Define Punch Criteria" below. 


 Define Punch Criteria

Click hereClick here

To define the Punch Criteria for a Named Punch:

  1.  Click add punch criterion.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select the critiera type. The options available for this type are displayed.

  3. Select or enter the the critiera for this Named Punch (see below for more details on the options available for each criteria type).

  4. Click save

Criteria Options

The options available for defining the Punch Criteria will vary depending on the critiera type, such as "Location" or "SKU." See below for more details on how to configure each of the available critieria types.

Day of MonthDay of Month

  1. From the drop-down menu, select Day of Month.

  2. Select one of the following options:

  • Static: Enter a comma-separated list of the days of the month. For example: 1,15,30.

  • Dynamic: Select a Member Attribute that contains the days of the month. 


Day of WeekDay of Week

  1. From the drop-down menu, select Day of Week.

  2. Select one of the following options:

  • Static: Check the desired days.

  • Dynamic: Select a Member Attribute that contains the days of the week. 


Day PartDay Part

  1. From the drop-down menu, select Day Part.

  2. Select one of the following options:

  • Static: Check the desired parts of the day.

  • Dynamic: Select a Member Attribute that contains the day parts. 



  1. From the drop-down menu, select Subtotal.

  2. From the "Must be" drop-down menu, select a mathematical operator, such as "greater than" for example.

  3. In the text field, enter the desired value. 



  1. From the drop-down menu, select Total.

  2. From the "Must be" drop-down menu, select a mathematical operator, such as "greater than" for example.

  3. In the text field, enter the desired value. 


Qualifying SubtotalQualifying Subtotal

  1. From the drop-down menu, select Qualifying Subtotal.

  2. From the "Must be" drop-down menu, select a mathematical operator, such as "greater than" for example.

  3. In the text field, enter the desired value. 



  1. From the drop-down menu, select Category.

  2. Select one of the following options:

  • Static: Enter a comma-separated list of the product category names. 

  • Dynamic: Select a Member Attribute that contains the product category names. 

  1. From the drop-down menu, select the logical operator ("and" or "or") that controls how multiple category names are processed. For example, if you entered ten category names, and the Member needs to purchase any one of them, you would select an "or" operator. 



  1. From the drop-down menu, select SKU.

  2. Select one of the following options:

  • Static: Enter a comma-separated list of the product codes. 

  • Dynamic: Select a Member Attribute that contains the product codes. 

  1. From the drop-down menu, select the logical operator ("and" or "or") that controls how multiple product codes are processed. For example, if you entered ten product codes, and the Member needs to purchase any one of them, you would select an "or" operator. 



  1. From the drop-down menu, select Location.

  2. Select one of the following options:

  • Static: Enter a comma-separated list of the Location names.

  • Dynamic: Select a Member Attribute that contains the Location. 



  1. From the drop-down menu, select Channel.

  2. Select one of the following options:

    1. Static: Check the desired channel options.

    2. Dynamic: Select a Member Attribute that contains the channel.



Payment AmountPayment Amount

  1. From the drop-down menu, select Payment Amount.

  2. Enter the desired amount in the Minimum Value field.

Payment NetworkPayment Network

  1. From the drop-down menu, select Payment Network.

  2. Select one of the value from the dropdown, e.g., Mastercard, Visa, etc.



Payment TypePayment Type

  1. From the drop-down menu, select Payment Type.

  2. Select one of the value from the dropdown, e.g., Apple Pay, Cash, Credit Card, etc.



 Edit a Named Punch

Click hereClick here

To edit a Named Punch:

  1. Optionally search or sort the list of Named Punches, as described above.

  2. Click on the desired Named Punch. The "Edit Punch Card Named Punch" pop-up window is displayed.

  3. Make any necessary changes to the Named Punch properties and / or its Punch Critiera. 

  4. Click save.  


 Delete a Named Punch

Click hereClick here

To delete a Named Punch: 

  1. Optionally search or sort the list of Named Punches, as described above.

  2. Click on the desired Named Punch. The "Edit Punch Card Named Punch" pop-up window is displayed.

  3. Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click confirm

Import Named Punches

The Named Punches tab provides the following features related to importing Named Punches.

 Import Named Punches

Click hereClick here

From the "Actions" drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen, select "Import Punch Card Values." The "Create New Import - Punch Card Values" pop-up window is displayed.

Basic Properties

  1. From the "Import Method" drop-down menu, identify how you want the platform to handle the import records, such as create new records only, update existing records only, or both create and update records.

  2. In the "File Options" field, select one or more fields used to identify existing records in the database.

  3. If you want to import blank values, select the "Yes" radio button next to "Include Blank Values."

  4. The platform supports email and phone number syntax validation on the appropriate import fields. To run this validation, select the "Yes" radio button next to "Validate Records."

  5. If you account is configured with business units, select the desired Business Unit from the "Business Unit" drop-down menu.

  6. To send email notifications following the import process, enter one or more recipient email addresses in the "Recipients" field.

  7. To send email notifications following a failed import process, enter one or more recipient email addresses in the "Failed Import Email Recipients" field.

  8. To select the import file, click choose file, then browse to and select the desired file.

  9. Select a column separator: Comma or Semicolon.

Import Options

To configure additional import options:

  1. Click add options.

  2. To use a lookup table, select the desired table from the "Lookup table" drop-down menu.

  3. From the "Lookup column" drop-down menu, select the desired column on the lookup table.

  4. Enter a value in the "Rename as" field.

  5. In the "Find by columns" field, select one or more columns used to identify existing records in the database.

  6. If the lookup table is required, select the "Yes" radio button next to "Required."

  7. If you want to stop the import process if a duplicate record is found, select the "Yes" radio button next to "Abort on Duplicate Record."

  8. Optionally enter any additional conditions as Groovy expressions in the "Condition" field. 

  9. Optionally, click delete to remove the additional import options.


  1. When finished, click submit.



 View Named Punch Imports

Click hereClick here

To view a list of previous Named Punch imports:

  1. From the "Actions" drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen, select "Punch Card Values Import List." The "Punch Card Values Import List" pop-up window is displayed and populated with a list of all previous Named Punch imports. For each import, the screen displays the following:

  • Imported by

  • Filename

  • Result (i.e., the number of records successfully imported, the number of failed records, and the number of skipped records)

  • Created at

  • Duration

  • Status


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