Offers are a general-purpose Content Object within Marigold Loyalty, designed to let you present promotions, discounts, special deals, and advertisements to your Members. The platform supports several different actions that can occur as a result of the Offer, such as a granting a single use certificate code, redirecting the Member to a website, or referencing another Loyalty object (such as a Reward or Challenge).
For example, let's say you want to send a special one-time-use Offer to your "Gold Tier" Members that gives a 25% discount on their next purchase, but is only valid for this month. The Loyalty platform allows you to configure the Offer settings to target the desired tier, provide a coupon code for the discount, and set limits on the Offer's effectivity period and number of times it can be used.
To access the Offers screen, select Campaigns from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Offers from the Sub-Category menu.
The Offers screen provides the following features:
SearchThe search feature allows you to search for a specified text string anywhere within the Offer's Display Name, Internal Name, Type, Category label, Category name, or Tag name.
SortThe "Sort" drop-down menu allows you to sort the Offers on a variety of different fields. To sort the list of Offers, select the desired sort option from this menu.
NavigationOnce you've found the desired Offer, you can navigate to the following other screens:
To create a new Offer:
Note: The Tracking Code is not used for tracking for Members logged into Loyalty apps.
To view or edit the details of an Offer:
The Offers screen provides the following features related to exporting Offers records.
Export definitions can optionally be saved and reused, when you need to download Offers from the Loyalty platform: From the "Actions" drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen, select "Export Offers." The "Create New Export - Offers" pop-up window is displayed.
Define Export ScheduleDefine Export Schedule To define the export schedule:
Define a Repeating Schedule
Notification and TransportIf you checked "Asynchronous" above, this section is displayed.
FieldsThis section allows you to optionally include (or exclude) specific columns in the export file.
RulesThis section allows you to create custom business rules to define which Segments are included in the export file.
You can also group rules by selecting Add Rule Group from the Add icon. Rule Groups have their own internal logical operator.
AssociationsTo export associated records:
ChildrenTo export child records joined to the main record:
FinishWhen finished creating the Export Definition, click save. |
To view or edit an Offer Export Definition:
To manually execute an Offer Export Definition:
To download the last execution of an Export Definition:
To delete an Offer Export Definition:
The Offers screen provides the following features related to importing Offer records.
From the "Actions" drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen, select "Import Offer." The "Create New Import - Offer" pop-up window is displayed. Basic Properties
Child Options
Import OptionsTo configure additional import options:
To view a list of previous Offer imports:
Last Updated: October 2024