Program Settings


Program Settings is the central screen for managing global settings for your Loyalty Program. The screen includes a wide range of configuration settings, organized into categories. 

Note: Modifying the configuration options on the Program Settings screen can have a critical impact on the operations of your Loyalty account. If you have any questions about any of the Program Settings, please speak to your Client Services representative for assistance. 


To access the Program Settings screen, select Program from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Settings > Program Settings from the Sub-Category menu.


The Program Settings screen provides the following features:


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The search feature allows you to search for a specified configuration option based on its name or description.  

  1. Optionally, in the search field near the top of the screen, enter the desired text string.

  2. The screen is refreshed to show only the configuration options that meet your search criteria. 


  Available Member Content Locales

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Certain Loyalty assets, such as Offers and Rewards for example, support the use of localized content. The Available Member Content Locales section allows you to define what locales and languages you support. 

Note: The localization feature is an optional feature that must be enabled in your account. Please speak to your Client Services Representative for more details.

To define your supported locales: 

  1. Click Additional Locales. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click into the Additional Locales field and select the desired locale. Repeat this step as needed. 

  3. Click Save.

To define the default locale and language that are used in the event that a field doesn't have localized content defined for it:

  1. Click Default Locale. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. From the Default Locale drop-down menu, select the desired locale. You can also select the default language - such as French (fr) - that you desire from this same drop-down.  

    Note: Saving the language selection will convert all existing member-facing text to your newly-selected language. This language will be the default language in the default locale.

  3. Click Save.


 Show Page Customization

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The Show Page Customization category allows you to configure the following settings.

Configure Landing Page

This configuration allows you to define a global landing page that's displayed when a user logs into the platform. 

Note: An Administrator can also define a default landing page at a Role level (see Roles for more details). In the event that a Role-based configuration conflicts with the global configuration, the Role-based configuration takes precedence.

  1. Click "Configure Landing Page." A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. From the “Value” drop-down menu, select one of the following to be the global default landing page: Member CSR, Dashboard, or Deployments.

  3. Click save.

Show Page Tab Hider

This configuration allows you to "hide" tabs on specific screens so they're not accessible to users. 

  1. Click "Show Page Tab Hider." A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click into the "Value" field to get a drop-down menu of Loyalty screens and their associated tabs. Select the tab you want to hide.

  3. Repeat the above step as needed to hide additional tabs.

  4. Click save



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The Global category allows you to configure the following settings.

Time Zone in Relative Periods

Optionally, you can configure the platform to utilize a “relative” time zone when calculating Offer expiry times. Loyalty program Members register with the program in the specific time zone according to their residential address. However, for programs that operate across multiple time zones, redeeming an Offer could take place in a different time zone. If an Offer is being redeemed in a different time zone than the Member’s residence, the exact expiry date/time can be adjusted accordingly.

By default the relative time zone is set to UTC, so the platform will expire objects like Offers, Rewards, and Gift Cards on the expiration date at 23:59:59 UTC. This configuration may be undesired though. For example, a Member in Central Standard Time (UTC-6) in the U.S. would have their Offer expire at 17:59:59 CST. To provide a better experience for their Members, brands typically configure the Relative Time Zone feature to the westernmost time zone for their program, and so Offers continue to be redeemable throughout the last day of the Offer period.

To set the Relative Time Zone: 

  1. Click "Time Zone in Relative Periods." A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. From the “Value” drop-down menu, select the desired time zone.

  3. Click save.



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The Discount category allows you to configure the following settings.

Discount Service Display Message Content

This configuration is intended for use by Loyalty programs using our Point of Sale (POS) integration via the Sparkfly POS system. This configuration allows a marketer to configure a template for a pop-up message to display on the Point of Sale system when the Member is added to the check or bill. 

  1. Click "Discount Service Display Message Content." A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. In the “Value” field, enter the contents of the pop-up message (see below for additional details).

  3. Click save.

Any Member Attribute that is present in a Member Profile can be added using the format shown for each of the examples below.

To display the Member that was added to the check or bill: 

Attribute Name


First Name


Last Name




To display the Points the Member needs to reach their next Reward:

Attribute Name


Points Remaining



The balance of any Metric can be added using the format shown for each of the examples below.

To display the Member's current Point balance:

Attribute Name


Qualified Points



To display the Member's lifetime visits:

Attribute Name


Lifetime Visits



To display the Member's qualified purchases: 

Attribute Name


Qualified Purchases



For implementations using Coupon Offers as rewards, the list of available Offer rewards can be added using the following example format (syntax):

{{offer_responses | size}}

{% for offer_responses in offer_responses%}{{ offer_responses.offer_label }} Exp {{ offer_responses.usage_end | timezone: "Pacific/Honolulu" | date: "%m/%d/%Y" }}

{% endfor %)

Always start with specifying the keyword, such as: {{offer_responses | size}}

Always follow with the loop start, such as: {% for offer_responses in offer_responses%}

Include the following if the requirement is to display the offer label: {{ offer_responses.offer_label }} 

Include the following if the requirement is to display the expiry date when relative time zones are in use: Exp {{ offer_responses.usage_end | timezone: "Pacific/Honolulu" | date: "%m/%d/%Y" }}

Include the following if the requirement is to display the expiry date when relative some zones are not in use: Exp {{ offer_responses.usage_end}}

Always end with the loop end, such as: {% endfor %)


 Punch Card Weekly Limits (Day and Time Settings)

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Note: This setting allows you to configure weekly limits for both Standard Punch Cards and External Punch Cards.

Week Start Day Program Setting

Indicates the day of the week the weekly limit period begins.  This value defaults to Monday but can be configured per the business requirements. To set the Week Start Day:

  1. Navigate to Program > Settings > Program Settings > Week Start Day.  

  2. Enter a Label, e.g., Week Start Day.

  3. Enter a Description for the day the week starts for evaluation of punch card limits.

  4. Click Value and select your desired day of the week.

  5. Click Save.


Week Start Time Program Setting

Indicates the time, in 24 hour notation, that the weekly limit day begins.  This value defaults to 00:00 but can be configured per the business requirements. To set the Week Start Time: 

  1. Navigate to Program > Settings > Program Settings > Week Start Time.  

  2. Enter a Label, e.g., Week Start Time.

  3. Enter a Description for the time of the day that starts for evaluation of punch card limits.

  4. Click Value and select your desired time of day.

  5. Click Save.



  Response Data to Preserve When Member is Deleted

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By default, the system removes all response data, activities, and the member when a member record is deleted.

When the Response Data to Preserve When Member is Deleted program setting is configured, the system will not delete records of the specified type but instead will remove the linked member_id.

  1. Click Response Data to Preserve When Member is Deleted. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, you may select any of the following response objects to be preserved: challenge_responses, code_responses, devices, event_members, event_responses, identities, member_badges, message_responses, offer_certificates, offer_responses, pass_installations, posts, punch_cards, redemptions, and reward_certificates.

  3. Click Save. Note that saving the selection(s) will update the program setting immediately.



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You can configure the General settings to list categories, set up logins, format the type of logins, create access tokens, and more. General settings help you organize and configure your data to suit your business needs. Member and Program API lists can be found in this section as well.

Login with mobile_phone

This setting allows you to turn on a member’s ability to login using mobile_phone. 

Note: Requires all mobile_phones to be unique. 

  1. Click Login with mobile_phone. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click in the Value field.

  3. Select True or False

  4. Click Save.

Required mobile phone format

This setting allows you to select the mobile phone country code normalization and validation.

Notes: 1. You may select multiple values from the Value drop-down menu. 2. Phone validation is done in accordance with acceptable international formats in order to deliver more accurate and comprehensive global phone validation behavior.

  1. Click Required mobile phone format. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click in the Value field.

  3. Select the value and country you want. For example, (+1) United States or (+81) Japan.  

  4. Click Save.



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You can manage custom logins through the Login program setting. This includes different features like account lockouts, custom logins, unique identifiers, and more for your customers’ accounts. The following sections discuss the different types of ways to manage your customers' logins and how to configure them to your preferred settings.

Member Unique identifier

This setting allows you to select an attribute to use as a primary member unique identifier for login and signup

  1. Click Member Unique identifier. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click the Value drop-down menu.

  3. Select Email, Integration, Mobile, Card, and/or Username

  4. Click Save.


  Member API MFA

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Member API Multi-Authentication (MFA) feature allows programs that use the Member API to support member authentication. This implements a higher level of authentication security to enable the system to send a one-time passcode (OTP) that members must include when authenticating to successfully complete the process. The Member API MFA feature allows you to configure the following settings.

Note: This feature is only for customers sending via Marigold Engage+ Implemented with EDP Sends/Smart Sending enabled. 

Enable MFA

This setting allows you to enable the use of MFA.

  1. Click Enable MFA. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click the Value drop-down menu.

  3. Select True or False.

  4. Click Save.


This setting allows you to select which channel(s) to use for the sending OTP.

  1. Click Channels. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Click the Value drop-down menu.

  3. Select SMS and/or Email.

  4. Click Save.

MFA token expiry

This setting allows you to set the lifespan of a MFA token.

  1. Click MFA Expiry Token. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click the Value drop-down menu.

  3. Select 10 minutes or 15 minutes

  4. Click Save.

OTP code drift

This setting allows you to select extra waiting time on top of the 30 seconds validity of the OTP code.

  1. Click Enable MFA. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click the Value drop-down menu.

  3. Select 1 minutes, 2 minutes, or 3 minutes

  4. Click Save.

OTP Email sender job

This setting allows you to select the sender to send the OTP to via standard message format (SMF) email.

  1. Click Enable MFA. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click the Value drop-down menu.

  3. Select the sender. 

  4. Click Save.

OTP SMS sender job

This setting allows you to select the sender to send the OTP to via standard message format (SMF) SMS.

  1. Click Enable MFA. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click the Value drop-down menu.

  3. Select the sender. 

  4. Click Save.



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You can configure members’ accessibility in program settings. Program settings include grouping member attributes, CSR tab visibility, downloadable links, and more. 

SSO Expected Params

This setting allows you to list the fields expected to be passed when creating or updating members via SSO endpoint.

Note: Field name should be passed even if it is blank, i.e. '-F email='

  1. Click SSO Expected Params. A pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Click in the Value field.

  3. Select email, integration_id, first_name, and/or last_name

  4. Click Save.


  Skip OCR Scanning

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By default, the system will scan an uploaded receipt using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) integration.

When the Skip OCR Scanning program setting is configured, receipts submitted via the API will create a receipt record, but users must then manually review receipts to update, approve, and complete them.

  1. Click Skip OCR Scanning. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, you may select  true or false. If you select true, the OCR scanning on receipt submission will be disabled. If you select false, the OCR scanning will run as is the default operation.

  3. Click Save.



  POS (Offer Sorting Hierarchy, Payment Networks, Payment Types)

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Offer Categories within Offer Sorting Hierarchy

In the Offer Sorting Hierarchy program setting, Offer Categories is an option that allows users to prioritize which Offer Category should be included in the offers returned by the POS APIs. Users can identify offers that should always return first before Offer Attributes, and offers that should always return last after Offer Attributes.


Enable Sorting Attribute

In order to enable the Offer Categories option, you must first enable the sorting attribute in the Edit Offer Category pop-up:

  1. Navigate to the setting by going to Campaigns > Settings > Category > Offer.

  2. Click on the desired offer, and the Edit Offer Category pop-up appears.

  3. Click the checkbox at the bottom labeled Available to Offer Sort Program Setting.

  4. Click Save. The First and Last Offer Category fields will now be displayed in the Offer Sorting Hierarchy setting.



Offer Sorting Hierarchy

By default, when offers are fetched by the POS APIs, the offer responses are sorted in a standard hierarchy: 1. Coupon Type, 2. Discount Type, 3. Usage End, 4. Discount Value, and 5. Created at.

The Offer Sorting Hierarchy program setting allows customers the ability to apply a different offer rule ranking. This setting allows the program administrator to select an offer response sort from a drop-down in the program setting. The order in which the offer attributes are selected will then be the order with which the Rule will apply. 

As an example, if the admin selects Discount Value first, and then Usage End, the rule hierarchy will be the following for all offer responses:

  1. Discount Value

  2. Usage End


- The program admin may omit any offer attribute from the hierarchy; all five default options don't need to be indicated in the program setting. At at a minimum, the admin must identify one.

- As a general default, customer programs will continue to use the standard order rule ranking as outlined above unless a different hierarchy is indicated within the program setting.

To configure your Offer Sorting Hierarchy:

  1. Navigate to this program setting by going to Program > Settings > Program Settings > Offer Sorting Hierarchy.

  2. Enter a Label.

  3. Enter a Description.

  4. Click the First Categories drop-down and select desired option(s).

  5. Click the Last Categories drop-down and select desired option(s).

  6. Click on the Discount Strategy drop-down and select desired option(s).

  7. Click on the Offer Attributes drop-down and select desired option(s).

  8. Click Save.

Payment Networks

Payment Networks help you configure network types for sending specific payment information for a POS transaction.

To configure your payment network:

  1. Click on Payment Networks.

  2. Enter a Label.

  3. Enter a Description.

  4. Enter a Value i.e. amex, discover, mastercard, etc.

Payment Types 

Payment Types help you configure payment types for sending specific payment information for a POS transaction.

To configure your payment type:

  1. Click on Payment Types.

  2. Enter a Label.

  3. Enter a Description.

  4. Enter a Value i.e. apple_pay, amazon_pay, cryptocurrency, cash, credit_card, etc.



  Place Integration ID Override

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This program setting maps to the custom attribute enabled for the program. Specifically, this setting allows the program to use a custom member attribute as an alternative to Member Place Integration ID and link to the Place Integration ID to determine the time zone for a location, store, or property in the Member profile. This setting is required to be configured if the program is using Offer Effectivity based on a Member's preferred location, and if the program has a custom attribute for locations.

For customers who have enabled a custom attribute, such as favorite store, favorite location, or preferred property, the standard Place Integration ID requires an override in order for this capability to apply the location time zone properly.

  1. Click the feature Place Integration ID Override. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select the custom member attribute desired.

  3. Click Save.



  System Evaluates Offer Location Eligibility on Orders Submitted via Sparkfly and OLO Integrations

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Brands that submit orders to Marigold Loyalty via Sparkfly or OLO integrations can configure the Offer Location Eligibility parameter. The Sparkfly and OLO integrations will then allow or restrict offers from being returned depending on whether the order location is permitted to access and redeem the offer.

Similar to Segment Eligibility which allows marketers to target offers to certain groups of members, Location Eligibility controls which locations can access and redeem an offer:

  • When an offer has neither Included nor Excluded locations specified, the offer is available in all locations.

  • When an offer is configured with Included locations, then only those locations can access the offer.

  • When an offer is configured with Excluded locations, then only non-excluded locations can access the offer.

  1. Click the feature Enable Location Eligibility in Assign Member. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, set to False to allow all locations to show. Set to True to allow for specified Included locations or non-excluded locations to show.

  3. Click Save.



  System Evaluates Punch Card Criteria on Orders Submitted via Sparkfly and OLO Integrations

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This system can evaluate criteria on member punch cards when processing orders submitted via Sparkfly and OLO integrations.

Enable Enhanced Punch Criteria

This setting allows you to enable punch card criteria.

  1. Click Enable Enhanced Punch Criteria. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select True.

  3. Click Save.

Punch Card Type Whitelist

This setting allows the system to evaluate and specify punch cards when processing orders.

  1. Click Punch Card Type Whitelist. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, specify one or more published and effective punch cards.

  3. Click Save.

Note that for each punch card included for evaluation, the system will take additional time to process the inbound API request, so it is recommended that you limit the set of punch cards to evaluate to be a number of five or less. This is subject to the sensitivity of business requirements to the time it takes to process each submitted order.


  Save OLO Order Id as Order Unique Identifier

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This capability saves OLO order identifiers as globally unique identifiers for Loyalty order records, eCommerce, and point-of-sale (POS) Integrations.This allows brands that have OLO integrations to capture the OLO order id in Loyalty as a unique key which can prevent duplicates if the OLO orders are submitted to the POS system and then transmitted to Loyalty in a retro claim file feed.

Additionally, using this feature will prevent duplicate order records from being created as long as the retro claim file feed includes the OLO order id in the order global unique identifier (*guid) column, and guid is used as a match by option in the import definition. With this configuration, the system will check the imported order.guid against all existing orders and prevent creating a new order if the same OLO order id was used by an existing order.

*guid: A guid (global unique identifier) is a 128-bit number created to uniquely identify resources.

  1. Click Save OLO Order Id as Order Unique Identifier. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select True.

  3. Click Save.



  Loyalty Connector for Aptos POS

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This connector allows Aptos POS and its Loyalty and Customer management capabilities to integrate with Marigold Loyalty. The connector supports the following capabilities:

  • To configure default program settings to allow Loyalty to provide the basic *Loyalty Plan definition details to Aptos.

  • To specify one or more *rewards to be available to the Aptos integration. This is accomplished by configuring a reward category called 'Aptos' in Loyalty, and attaching it to one or more rewards that are intended to be used by the integration.

  • To see details of the Loyalty plan and rewards shared by Loyalty via Aptos.

  • To create or update Loyalty members and send them to Loyalty via Aptos.

  • To look up Marigold Loyalty members by various attributes, view details of the profile, and attach the member to the Aptos transaction.

  • To view and apply available program rewards to the transaction based on the member's available points.

  • To submit a transaction from Aptos to Loyalty via real-time API integration for the member to be awarded points and redeem any applied rewards.

*Loyalty Plan definition: This is an Aptos concept; it includes an identifier, a plan name, a start date, and other Aptos dependencies.

*Rewards: Rewards in Aptos that are in the Loyalty plan are expected to be returned by the Loyalty platform. In Loyalty itself, a reward can be a coupon reward (points used) or coupon offer (no points used).

Features for Aptos

The features available for this connector that can be configured are the following:

Aptos Loyalty Plan Key

  1. Click Aptos Loyalty Plan Key. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, enter the identifier assigned to the Loyalty plan.

  3. Click Save.

Aptos Loyalty Plan Name

  1. Click Aptos Loyalty Plan Name. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, enter the name or short description of the Loyalty plan.

  3. Click Save.

Aptos Loyalty Plan Start Date

  1. Click Aptos Loyalty Plan Start Date. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, enter the date that the plan will start or has started.

  3. Click Save.

Aptos Membership Status Key

  1. Click Aptos Membership Status Key. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select the code or ID that identifies the membership type.

  3. Click Save.

Supported Currencies

  1. Click Supported Currencies. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select the currency or currencies that will be supported.

  3. Click Save.

Supported Languages

  1. Click Supported Languages. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select your language(s) that will be supported.

  3. Click Save.

Customer Email Opt-In Indicator

  1. Click Aptos Loyalty Plan Key. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select the member attribute that will be mapped to the emailOptInIndicator attribute in the retail customer API.

  3. Click Save.

Customer Default Birth Year

  1. Click Aptos Loyalty Plan Key. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, enter the birth year to be saved when creating customers in the retail customer API. This will override the birth year passed in the request when specified.

  3. Click Save.

Customer Signup Store Attribute.

  1. Click Aptos Loyalty Plan Key. A pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select the member attribute that will be mapped to the createSource attribute in the retail customer API.

  3. Click Save.


  Segment Marigold Engage+ Export

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The Segment Marigold Engage+ Export program setting is designed to configure the export destination of segments from Marigold Loyalty to Marigold Engage+. This setting is configured after the connection profile has been created. The three components of the setting are Export Connection Profile, Export Path, and Export File Prefix.


Export Connection Profile: The value set for the connection profile, the S3 or FTP profile created for exporting the file to Engage+. The value comes from the Connector. For more on how to set the Connector, please refer here.




  1. From the "Value" drop-down menu, select the desired connection profile.

  2. Click Save.


Export Path: The value of the path where the segment file will be dropped is set in the value field. If not specified, the file will be uploaded to the root directory of the connection profile.


  1. From the "Value" drop-down menu, enter the desired path.

  2. Click Save.


Export File Prefix: The prefix value will be prepended to every segment file name. This is typically used to identify where the file is coming from. If not specified, Loy will be the default prefix.



  1. From the "Value" drop-down menu, enter the desired prefix.

  2. Click Save.



  Certificate Generation Defaults

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The Certificate Generation Defaults program setting enables users to configure a setting that controls a default used for the Code Prefix, Length of Code, and Excluded Characters fields. This reduces time in configuring offers and/or generation of certificates.

  1. Enter the desired label, description, code prefix, length of code, and any excluded characters as applicable.

  2. Click Save.


Alternatively, you may also configure these default settings within the Offer Generate Certificate Codes page or the Reward Generate New Certificate Codes page.




  Allow Member Tier Downgrade

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Enabling this setting will allow member tiers to be downgraded. By default, tiers only allow upgrades.

To set the ability to downgrade a member's tier:

  1. Click Allow member tier downgrade.

  2. In the pop-up, enter a Label and Description. Click the Value field and select True to turn the setting on. If you Click False, you will turn the setting off.

  3. Click Save.

Back to Program Settings Overview

Last Updated: October 2024