Punch Cards


Punch Cards allow you to reward Members for purchasing a set of specific items or performing a set of specific actions. After completing a Punch Card, Members can receive prizes, such as an Offer, a Reward, or a Gift Card.


To access the Punch Cards screen, select Campaigns from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Punch Cards from the Sub-Category menu.


The Punch Cards screen provides the following features:

 Searching and Sorting

Click hereClick here


The search feature allows you to search for a specified text string anywhere within the following fields: Punch Card name, description, Category label or name, display name, or Tag.  

  1. Optionally, in the search field near the top of the Punch Cards screen, enter the desired text string.

  2. Optionally, from the "Status" drop-down menu, select a Punch Card status (or "Any status").  

  3. Optionally, from the "Effectivity" drop-down menu, select a Punch Card effectivity period (or "Any effectivity").  

  4. Press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon).

  5. The Punch Cards screen is refreshed to show only the Punch Cards that meet your search criteria. Please note that if you enter multiple search conditions, the platform displays only the Punch Cards that meet ALL criteria.

  6. To remove all search criteria, click the remove button ("X" icon).


The "Sort" drop-down menu allows you to sort the Punch Cards on a variety of different fields. To sort the list of Punch Cards, select the desired sort option from this menu.

  • Name (default option)

  • Created Date

  • Updated Date


Once you've found the desired Punch Card, you can navigate to the following other screens:


 Create a New Punch Card

Click hereClick here

To create a new Punch Card:

  1. In the "Enter Display Name" field, enter the name of the new Punch Card.

  2. Click create. The "Edit Punch Card Type" pop-up window is displayed.

  3. The "Display Name" field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.

  4. The "Internal Name" is automatically populated based on the "Display Name" value. This field is disabled by default. To edit the Internal Name, check edit internal name. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.

  5. In the "Description" field, optionally enter a description of the Punch Card.

  6. From the "Card Type" drop-down menu, select the Punch Card type:

  • Standard: Supports common uses cases for Punch Cards, where a Member must complete a series of actions or purchases in order to earn a prize. The definition of the Punch Card, and the tracking of all punches completed by a Member, are managed by the Loyalty platform. 

  • External: Supports the use case where personalized Punch Card instances are generated by an external system. 

  • ChoiceUsed by clients using externally-generated Punch Cards, and who want to allow the Member to choose which Punch Card to activate. 

  1. To create an image for this Punch Card, click choose file. Navigate to and select the desired image file.

  2. In the "Required Punches" field, enter the number of punches required to complete this Punch Card.

  3. From the "Start Type" drop-down menu, select one of the following options. This drop-down menu is disabled if you selected Choice as the Punch Card type above. 

  • Automatic: The Punch Card will start for the Member with the first qualifying activity or purchase.

  • On Acceptance

    • If a response already exists for the member, the punch card will start when the Member opts in. The platform will track any qualifying activities or purchases made prior to the Member opting in, but the Punch Card will not show any progress. Once the Member opts in, the platform will then apply all of the qualifying activities or purchases. 

    • If no response exists to the punch card type referenced in the Accept request, then the system will create a response with 0 (zero) punches and mark as accepted. The punch card issue/response activity will be generated by this action, as well as the punch card accept activity.

  1. Optionally, toggle on Default if you want this Punch Card to be considered the default Punch Card within your Loyalty program. 

  2. Optionally, toggle on Per store if you want this Punch Card to be issued separately per store location. If enabled, a Member could have multiple active instances of this Punch Card, from multiple stores. 

  3. In the "Categories" field, assign one or more Punch Card Categories to this Punch Card. Categories are used to organize Loyalty assets into groups.

  4. In the "Tags" field, assign one or more Tags to this Punch Card. Tags are used to help search, filter, and organize Loyalty assets within the platform (Tags are never visible to Members).

  5. Click save


 View or Edit a Punch Card

Click hereClick here

To view or edit the details of a Punch Card:

  1. Search, sort, or filter the Punch Cards screen as described above.

  2. Click on the desired Punch Card.

  3. The Punch Card Details screen is displayed and populated with all of the information about this Punch Card. See Punch Card Details for more information.


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Last Updated: August 2024