This section describes how to configure a Self Service Journey. Configuration refers to the process of associating steps in the journey with supporting assets, such as Campaign and Segments. This section assumes that you have already authored the journey by adding the necessary steps and connectors (see Authoring a Journey for more details).
Note: You can configure steps in the journey with Layout Editing mode either enabled or disabled.
The configuration options unique to each type of step are described below.
To configure a Wait step:
Note: Optionally, you can disable a Wait step if you want the journey to immediately move to the next step; simply set the wait time duration to zero.
To configure a Countdown step:
To associate a Campaign with an Action step:
To associate an Offer with a Grant Offer Action step:
If a journey fails to engage the consumer, then the platform sets a "lapsed" Attribute within the EDP database to "true." This flag can then be used when building Segments or when targeting Campaigns, to exclude consumers who aren't currently interested. To identify this Attribute:
To assign a Notification Code to a Notify Call Center Action step:
Custom Actions allow you to integrate the journey with third-party services or other features in the Customer Engagement Suite. To successfully use a Custom Action, you will need a Custom Action step in your journey and a Trigger in EDP that performs the desired function. As an example, let’s say you want to integrate with a third-party system via a webhook. You could configure the Custom Action step in Journey Designer by entering the name of your custom Action Type, such as “send_webhook,” and also an Action Target; this value is typically an identifier needed by the destination system (such as a campaign ID, for example). When the consumer progresses to the Custom Action step in the journey, the Journey Designer engine will generate a “Journey Activity” record in EDP. You must have a corresponding Trigger configured in EDP to listen for a Journey Activity record where the Action Type is equal to “send_webhook.” The platform will then execute this Trigger, and perform whatever action has been defined within the Trigger, such as sending a webhook payload to an external endpoint. The payload will include user details, as well as the value defined in the Action Target.
To configure a Decision step:
An A / B Split step allows you to randomly split consumers into different groups, with the intent of testing different contact strategies, message content, and so forth. You can define two or three different splits, and you can determine the size of each split (by percentage). To configure an A / B Split step:
To define the percentages for each split, you must first create a minimum of two, and a maximum of three, output connectors from the A / B Split step.
By default, the platform will adjust the percentages of the other connector(s) based on the value you entered above. For example, if you have two output connectors, and you define the first one to be 35%, the platform will automatically assign the second one to be 65%, so that the percentages add up to 100%. As another example, if you have three output connectors, and you define the first one to be 50%, the platform will evenly adjust the other two splits to be 25% each. This default setting may be undesirable, as you may want to enter custom percentages for the three different connectors. In that case, after entering the desired percentage, click the lock icon next to the percentage value; the platform will no longer automatically adjust the percentage for this connector based on values assigned to the other connectors. Once you enter the percentage for the second connector, the platform will automatically calcuate the third connector so that the percentages add up to 100%.
An Advanced Decision step allows you to split consumers into two paths based on Attributes and logical conditions contained within an expression. If the expression resolves to "true" for a consumer, they progress down the "True" path; conversely, if the expression resolves to "false," they progress down the "False" path. This step type is mainly intended for simple decision logic that doesn't require the overhead of building and publishing a Segment. To configure an Advanced Decision step:
Activity steps are used to add a new consumer to the journey, or to move a consumer onto a different track within the journey. Activity steps are triggered when the platform records the occurrence of a specified Activity type. As an example, when the platform records that a "Purchase" Activity has occurred, the consumer is added to the Post Purchase journey. Note: If you author a journey with a custom Activity step, it will likely require the creation and configuration of an Activity Type and a Trigger within EDP. Your Services team can assist you with this process. By default, all consumers who perform the specified Activity type will progress to the Activity step. You can optionally define conditional logic to filter these consumers. For example, you could define a special Post Purchase journey for consumers who make a purchase of more than $500. You would define this condition as part of the journey's "purchase" Activity start step, and only consumers who meet this condition would get added to the journey. To configure an Activity step:
An Exit step removes a consumer from the journey, and records the results. A journey must have at least one Exit step, but optionally more than one. If the journey has multiple tracks within it, each track will have its own Exit step. Exit steps can be categorized as "positive," "neutral," or "negative" based on the consumer's actions during the course of the journey. For example, in the Post Purchase journey, if the consumer enters a positive review of the purchased item, the journey ends with a "positive" categorization. Conversely, if the consumer enters a negative review, the journey ends with a "negative" categorization. These categorizations are captured for reporting purposes (see Journey Metrics for more details). In addition, an Exit step will instruct the Engagement Data Platform (EDP) to record that a specified Event has occurred. This Event can be used within EDP for further processing, reporting, or targeting purposes. Note: If you author a journey with a custom Exit step, it will likely require the creation and configuration of an Event Type within EDP. Your Services team can assist you with this process. To configure an Exit step: