This Help system uses the terms configuration and authoring to describe the two methods of editing a journey.
Configuration refers to the process of associating supporting assets (such as Campaigns or Segments) to steps in the journey flow. For example, if you have a Send Email step in the flow, you must configure the step by selecting the Messaging Campaign associated with this step. Configuration is required for all journeys, even if you're using a standard journey.
Authoring refers to the process of editing the flow of events in the journey, such as adding or removing steps, drawing connection lines between steps, and so forth. If you're using an "out of the box" standard journey, you may not need to do any authoring; you can simply configure the steps in the standard journey and publish it. However, you need to author the journey if you want to make any changes to the steps that comprise the journey, or if you're building a new journey from scratch.
The platform allows you to author journeys either by starting from a blank canvas, or by using one of the standard journeys as a template that you modify as needed. Journeys authored by the user are referred to as "Self Service Journeys."
Note: Self Service Journeys may require additional supporting assets within the Engagement Data Platform (EDP). For example, if you add a custom Start step to your journey, it will likely require the creation and configuration of an Activity Type and a Trigger within EDP. Your Services team can assist you with this process
The process of authoring a journey takes place on the Journey Designer screen. This screen provides the user with a workspace to view and edit the details of the selected journey. Each standard journey type has a default configuration, which can be modified to meet your specific business requirements and contact strategy. You can also use the Journey Designer screen to create a custom journey from scratch.
The Journey Designer screen is accessible through the following methods:
From the My Journeys screen, click the name of a previously-created journey, or click Edit next to it. The Journey Designer screen is displayed and populated with the details of that journey.
From the My Journeys screen, create a new journey using a standard journey as a template. The Journey Designer screen is displayed and populated with the default flow for that journey type.
From the My Journeys screen, create a new journey from scratch. A blank Journey Designer screen is displayed.
The Journey Designer screen presents the journey as a flowchart, with steps connected via arrows, depicting the processing flow of a consumer through the journey. The main area on the screen serves as your canvas, or workspace, where you create your journey. A Tool Bar along the left-hand side of the screen provides access to various features and tools.
Zoom buttons in the bottom-right corner of the screen allow you to zoom in or out. You can also click the "zoom to fit" button to center the entire flowchart in the middle of your screen.
Authoring a journey requires that the Journey Designer screen be in Layout Editing mode. This mode enables all of the authoring features. When Layout Editing mode is disabled, you can't make any changes to the steps that make up the journey (but you can still configure the existing steps).
To toggle on Layout Editing mode, click the red lock icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Visually, you can tell you're in Layout Editing mode, as the platform displays a grid on the journey canvas.
To toggle off Layout Editing mode, click the same icon again.
Please note that if you click the Add Step icon within the Tool Bar, the platform will automatically toggle on Layout Editing mode.
See below for more information on creating and managing Self Service Journeys: