For clients that have multiple brands or divisions, Engage+ supports a "Parent / Child" database architecture. This architecture is designed around a single database (referred to as the "Parent" system) with all of the brands residing in that database, but separated into different views (each of which is referred to as a "Child" system).
The Parent / Child architecture is very flexible. For example, you can define tables at the Parent level, thereby allowing one or more Child systems to access data in that table. Or, tables can be Child-system specific, with data optionally loaded at the Parent level, or at the Child level. Likewise, at a more granular level, individual fields in a Parent-level table can be accessible to only the Parent, or potentially to one or more Child systems.
A user working within the Parent system has access to all data within all Child systems (except data contained within tables and / or fields built directly within, and loaded directly to, a Child system). However a user working within a Child system can't see Parent-level data, nor can he or she see any data in any of the "sibling" views.
In order to manage the complex question of "Who has access to what data?" the platform allows you to define special rules that are applied when data is imported into the system. These rules, called Hierarchy Rules, are a top-down configuration feature set in the Parent system that determine which records a Child system can access. This feature creates a distinct database "view" (or subset of records) relevant for each Child system. To leverage this configuration option, all data is loaded through the Parent system. During the import process, a Hierarchy Rule can be utilized to "tag" a Primary Key in order to make it accessible to a Child system (or potentially, to more than one Child system). The assignment of data to a Child system (or systems) can be as simple as looking at one value in one field (for example, a Brand identifier), or a more complex rule based on a Filter that looks at the values in multiple fields.
A Hierarchy Rule consists of one or more logical criteria. These criteria are referred to as "Rule / System Pairs" because they consist of both a condition to be met (the "Rule") and a resulting system to which data will be made available. A Hierarchy Rule can consist of one to many different Rule / System Pairs in order to make data available to a Parent system, or to one or more Child systems. Hierarchy Rules also support the use of a "default" system, which is used when a record doesn't meet any of the other defined Rule / System Pairs.
Messaging provides two different methods (called "query types") for establishing how you want to identify the "Rule" -- either by inclusion in a Filter, or by values in a specific field. You must choose one of these two query types for your Hierarchy Rule; you can't use both types within the same Hierarchy Rule.
The platform also supports two different logical structures ("IF > ELSE IF" and "IF > IF") for defining a Hierarchy Rule with multiple conditions. The IF > ELSE IF structure is useful if you know you want a record to fall into only one "rule," and be accessible to only one system. The platform works from the top down, evaluating records against the first rule. Only the non-matching records drop down to the second rule. Once a records matches a rule, it's removed from any further evaluations. Therefore, the sequence of the rules is important, because even if a record qualifies for more than one rule, it's assigned only to the FIRST system to which it matched.
With the IF > IF structure, a record can potentially match to multiple rules, and therefore be made available to multiple systems. The sequence of the rules doesn't matter, as the system evaluates every record against every rule. So, even if a record met the first rule, it would still get evaluated against the subsequent rules as well.
The following example illustrates the flexibility of Hierarchy Rules.
Let's say you have four brands, each of which is set up within their own Child system within the Parent system. Three of these brands (A, B, and C) share a Store table that contains store details, location, contact information, and so forth. Brand D doesn't have brick-and-mortar stores, and therefore they don't need to see this table.
This Store table is created within the Parent system, and Brands A, B, and C are given access to this table. However, each Brand has its own unique set of stores. Therefore you could limit access to brand-specific stores, by establishing which Child systems can access which Primary Keys on the Store table. This configuration would allow each Child system to see only the Store table records that were relevant to their brand, instead of seeing all available Store table records. You could use a "Brand Identifier" field to determine which Child system has access to which record. For example, your Rule / System Pairs might look like this:
IF 'brand_identifier' = 'A,' then publish to Child System A;
ELSE IF 'brand_identifier' = 'B',' then publish to Child System B;
ELSE IF 'brand_identifier' = 'C,' then publish to Child System C;
ELSE DEFAULT, publish to Parent system.
As you can see, Hierarchy Rules let you establish which Child systems have access, or a view, to which records in a given table, to which the Child system has been granted access.
A key risk to "shared" data across multiple Child systems is when more than one Child system has access to the same record, but values for a given field or set of fields from the record in question are specific to each Child system. This configuration could potentially create an issue where one brand overwrites the data provided by another brand.
To prevent this situation, the platform provides a field-level setting called "Unique Child Data." This setting appears on the Tables screen when you drill into a specific field. When this option is enabled for a field, and data is loaded directly into the Child system, none of the other Child systems will have visibility into that value. This feature allows you to store unique Child-specific values for a given field, or set of fields.
Note: To use this Unique Child Data feature, the data must be loaded directly through the Child system, and not to the Parent system.
The Unique Child Data setting is often used in conjunction with Hierarchy Rules. By combining these features, along with the ability to configure the tables within the Parent / Child architecture at a very granular level, you can create a very complex, sophisticated architecture that allows you to isolate and share specific fields and / or tables, as needed, in order to meet the your business requirements
The following example illustrates the flexibility of leveraging the Unique Child Data feature.
Let's say you have four brands, each of which is set up within their own Child system within the Parent system. Three of these brands share a Product table that contains SKU level details, such as size, color, unit price, and so forth. All of these brands have tremendous cross-over in terms of the products they sell, but they sell those specific products at varying price points. For example, Brands A and B both sell the same red shirt. Therefore, both of these Child systems have access to the Primary Key for that item on the Product table. However, these two brands don't sell that red shirt for the same price. Brand A sells it for $19.99, and Brand B sells it for $24.99.
You could enable the "Unique Child Data" feature for the "Price" field on the Product table, thereby enabling you to define Child-specific values in this field. In this example, Brand A would store "19.99" in the Price field, and Brand B would store "24.99" in this same field. In both cases, you would have to load the Child-specific prices directly into the respective Child systems, and not to the Parent system.
The Hierarchy Rules screen is accessible by the following method:
From the Main menu, select Data > Management > Hierarchy Rules
To create a new Hierarchy Rule:
Note: You can never modify this Source Table after the Hierarchy Rule is created.
Default SystemEngage+ allows you to define a Default system, which will be used when a record doesn't meet any of the other defined Rule / System Pairs. While use of a Default system is optional, please note that you can't actually delete the "Default" row from the screen. If you don't want a Default system in your Hierarchy Rule, then simply leave it blank, and don't select a system for it. To define the Default system:
Rule / System PairsA Hierarchy Rule consists of one or more Rule / System Pairs. Messaging provides two different methods (called "query types") for establishing how you want to identify the desired system for the Rule / System Pairs -- either by inclusion in a Filter, or by values in a specific field. You must choose one of these two query types for your Hierarchy Rule; you can't use both types within the same Hierarchy Rule. Note: If you toggle from one query type to the other, you'll be prompted with a warning message, telling you that any previously defined Rule / System Pairs will be deleted. To define a Rule / System Pair for your Hierarchy Rule:
The Filter query type is used in when you want to select a Parent or Child system based on a record's inclusion in a Filter result set. Filters allow you to define more complex conditions than the "By Field / Value" query type. To use Filters as the query type in a Hierarchy Rule:
By Field / ValueBy Field / Value The Field / Value query type is used when you want to look for a specific value in a database field in order to determine the desired Parent or Child system. The Field / Value query type is limited to using only one field, and that field must be contained on the Hierarchy Rule source table (you can't join to another table). To use a Field / Value as the query type for your Hierarchy Rule:
To copy an existing item to use as the basis for a new item:
To view or edit a Hierarchy Rule:
Note: If you toggle from one query type to the other, you'll be prompted with a warning message, telling you that any previously defined Rule / System Pairs will be deleted.
To delete an item:
Foldered items are moved to the Recycle Bin. Non-foldered items are permanently deleted.