

Engage+ allows you to extract data from your marketing database in order to use that data outside of the platform for further analysis, or as input into some other process or system. For example, you might want to see how data ingested into the platform has been altered or updated through form submissions or other updates. Or perhaps you want to analyze data that's been captured by the platform, such as Campaign activity (clicks, bounces, etc.). These extracts from the database are called "Exports," and the platform provides a wide range of options for how to define these Exports.

As with Imports, an Export is defined through the use of a repeatable Template. An Export Template controls the content and layout of the extract, the schedule of when and how often it runs, and the destination of the Export file (such as an FTP server or Amazon S3 Bucket, for example).

Engage+ offers a set of standard Exports related to customer activity in the email marketing Channel. For more information on these Exports, please see the Standard Activity Exports document.

The Marigold Help Center provides access to a wide range of enablement videos on many Marigold solutions that you can take as needed. Click here to browse to the video on how to use Exports.   


The Exports screen is accessible by the following method:


 Create a New Export Template

Click hereClick here

Export Templates can either be created through the Messaging user interface, or uploaded into the platform.

To create a new Export Template through the user interface:

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click + New Export.

  2. A "New Item" pop-up window is displayed. To select the folder where you want to save this new Export Template, click the folder name in the Navigation Tree on the left side of this pop-up. The "Where?" field is updated with the selected folder name.

  3. In the "Name" field, enter a name for your new Export Template. This name must be unique within the selected folder.

  4. From the "Data Source" drop-down menu, select the source table from which this Export Template will extract data.

Note: You can never modify this source table after the Export Template is created.

  1. Click Create. The Workspace is refreshed to show a blank Export Template details screen, where you can configure the details of the Export.

  2. Optionally, you can assign one or more tags to your Export Template. To assign a tag, click on the "Add tag" field in the Edit section of the Tool Ribbon. The system displays a pop-up menu of all the existing tags. You can select one of these tags, or type in a new one and press Enter. You can repeat this process to add more tags. To remove a tag, click the "X" icon next to the tag label.  

  3. In the "Data Source" section, select how you want to define the records that are included in the Export file. The available options are:

Filter ResultsFilter Results

The Filter option allows you to define or select a Filter, then create an Export file that contains all of the records in the Filter's result set. To use a Filter as the source for your Export Template:

  1. Select the "Filter Results" tab.

  2. To use an existing Filter, either begin typing in the Filter name, or click the browse button (magnifying glass icon) to browse for and select it. You can also create a new Filter by clicking the new button (plus-sign icon).


Custom ProcedureCustom Procedure

This option allows you to utilize a custom SQL query (created by Marigold's Client Services Team) to define the records that are to be included in the Export file. To use a Custom Procedure as the source for your Export Template:

  1. Select the "Custom Procedure" tab.

  2. From the "Procedure" drop-down menu, select the desired Custom Procedure.


Activities / ResponsesActivities / Responses

This option is used to extract activity- or response-related data, such as clicks, opens, and likes. Each activity type offers a range of criteria that you can use to define the records that get extracted into the Export file. To use an activity as the source for your Export Template:

  1. Select the "Activities / Responses" tab.

  2. From the "Activity Type" drop-down menu, select the desired activity type. A "Build Criteria" pop-up window is displayed.

  3. Enter or select your criteria for the selected activity type (see below for details).

  4. Click save criteria.

For more information about the options and parameters available for a specific activity type, click on an activity type below.

* This activity type must be enabled within your account for it to be available for selection.


  1. If you want the Export Template to have a header row, place a check mark in the "Include a header row?" check box.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select a delimiter character -- either a tab, a comma, a pipe, or a semi-colon.

  3. The "Set Up File" section is used to define the layout of the Export Template. To add a field, select it in the "Available Fields" list box, then click the center "Move" bar. Optionally, you can use Shift + click or Control + click to select and move multiple fields. The selected field (or fields) is added to the "Mapped Fields" list box. Repeat this step as needed to add more fields to the Export Template. To remove a field from the Export Template, click the "X" icon next to the field name within the "Mapped Fields" list box. To rearrange the fields in the Export Template, drag-and-drop the fields within the "Mapped Fields" list box into the desired sequence.

Note: If you selected "Import Exceptions" as the activity type in step 7, the system will utilize a default file layout for the Export file; you can't make any changes to the fields contained within this layout. The Export file will include information about the exception condition, the record number, and any error messages.

  1. If you selected "Activities / Responses" above in step 7, an "Exclude Fields" section is displayed. This section allows you to optionally select one or more fields, or metrics, that you want the system to exclude when generating the Export file. The specific fields or metrics that are listed in this section will differ based on which activity you selected above in step 7.

  2. If you selected "Activities / Responses" above in step 7, a "Metadata" section is displayed. This section allows you to select Metadata fields that you want added to the Export Template.

  3. The "Automate Exports" section allows you to optionally set a schedule for automatically generating the Export. If you don't want to define a schedule, select the "No Schedule" option. If you want to define a schedule, select the "Auto-Generate on Schedule" button, then define the recurrence frequency as follows:

      • Select either "Start Schedule Immediately" or "Start Schedule On." If you select "Start Scheduled On," enter the start date and time.

      • Define the recurrence frequency:

        • Daily: Enter an interval (every "X" days).

        • Weekly: Select one or more days of the week.

        • Monthly: Select either:

          • A specific number ("15th of the month" for example).

          • Define a business rule to calculate a date ("second Tuesday of every month" for example).

        • Yearly: Select either:

          • A specific month / date ("January 15th" for example).

          • Define a business rule to calculate a date ("second Wednesday in August" for example).

      • Select the schedule starting time:

        • Once a day: Enter a specific start time.

        • Several times a day: Define an interval in either minutes or hours. Also, define the active window during which the schedule can run by selecting the starting and ending times for this window.

      • Select how long this automated schedule should run, either "Do Not End Schedule" or "End Schedule On." If you select "End Schedule On," enter the stop date and time.

  1. If you defined a recurring schedule, by default the system will use the time zone that's defined for your user account. To use a different time zone, click Edit > Set Time Zone in the Tool Ribbon. A "Set Time Zone" pop-up window is displayed. Select a time zone, then click ok.

  2. If you defined a recurring schedule, the system offers two additional delivery options.

    Upload to FTP / S3Upload to FTP / S3

    If you want the system to automatically upload the Export file to an FTP server or Amazon S3 Bucket:

    1. Within the "Automate Export" section, next to "Auto-Generate on Schedule," place a check mark in the "Upload to FTP  / S3" check box. The system adds a new "Upload to FTP / S3" section to the screen.

    2. In the "Upload to FTP / S3" section, select an FTP or S3 Profile (for more details, please see the FTP / S3 Profiles Help topic).

    3. In the "File Path" field, enter the filepath to which the Export file should be saved. The value you enter here should include both the folder path and the file name. If you want to insert the current date into the filename, use the mask: {(yyyy-MM-dd)}.

    4. If you want to use PGP encryption, place a check mark next to "PGP Key," then enter your encryption key.

    5. If you want to compress the file, place a check mark next to "ZIP File."

    Note: The platform doesn't allow you to both encrypt AND compress the file. If you select both of the above options, the platform will encrypt the file, but not compress it.


    Email as AttachmentEmail as Attachment

    If you want the system to automatically email the Export file to one or more recipients:

      1. Within the "Automate Export" section, next to "Auto-Generate on Schedule," place a check mark in the "Email as Attachment" check box. The system adds a new "Send as Email Attachment" section to the screen.

      2. In the "Send as Email Attachment" section, enter the subject line for the email message.

      3. In the "From Address" field, enter the "from" value for the email message.

      4. In the "To Address" field, enter one or more email addresses for the individuals who should receive the email message.

      5. In the "Message" field, enter a short description.

      6. In the "File Name Mask" field, enter the file name for the Export file. If you want to insert the current date into the filename, use the mask: {(yyyy-MM-dd)}.

      7. In the "Max Attachment Size" field, enter the maximum file size (in megabytes) allowed by the anticipated email servers' configuration. If an Export file surpasses this limit, then the file will not be emailed.

      8. If you want to use PGP encryption, place a check mark next to "PGP Key," then enter your encryption key.

      9. If you want to compress the file, place a check mark next to "ZIP File."


  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Edit > Save.

  2. If you defined a recurring schedule, click Edit > Start Schedule in the Tool Ribbon  to enable the schedule.


 Copy an Export Template

Click hereClick here

To copy an existing item to use as the basis for a new item:

  1. Search for the desired item (see Search for an Item for more details).

  2. Click on the item name. The main item screen is displayed and populated with the details of the selected item.

  3. In the Tool Ribbon, click Edit > Save As. A "Save as" dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter a name for the new item.

  5. By default, the new item will be saved in the same folder location as the base item. Optionally, click the magnifying glass icon to browse to and select a different folder location.

  6. Click save a copy. The system creates a copy of the selected item. 


 View or Edit an Export Template

Click hereClick here

To view or edit an existing Export Template:

  1. Search for the desired Export Template (see Search for an Item for more details on the available search methods).

  2. Click on the required Export Template. The Export Template screen is displayed and populated with the details of the selected Export Template.

  3. Optionally, to view detailed information about the Export Template, click the Export tab in the Tool Ribbon. The Item Details screen is displayed, showing who created the item, who modified it last, and what the last actions taken on the item were. The direct link URL to the Export Template is available here, which can be copied to the clipboard using the "Copy Link" icon. This can be used to easily share and also open the Export Template in a browser. On this screen, click "Related Items" in the Function Menu to see other items in the system that reference or utilize this Export Template. When finished, click the Edit tab in the Tool Ribbon to return to the main edit screen.

  4. Optionally, you can assign one or more tags to your Export Template. To assign a tag, click on the "Add tag" field in the Edit section of the Tool Ribbon. The system displays a pop-up menu of all the existing tags. You can select one of these tags, or type in a new one and press Enter. You can repeat this process to add more tags. To remove a tag, click the "X" icon next to the tag label.  

  5. Optionally, to rename the Export Template, click Edit > Rename. A "Rename Item" dialog box is displayed. Enter a new name for the Export Template, then click save new name.

  6. Make any necessary configuration changes to the data source of the Export Template by selecting a different Filter, Custom Procedure, or Activity Type (see "Create a New Export Template" above for details on these options).

  7. Make any necessary changes to layout of the Export Template. To add a field, select it in the "Available Fields" list box, then click the center "Move" bar. Optionally, you can use Shift + click or Control + click to select and move multiple fields. The selected field (or fields) is added to the "Mapped Fields" list box. Repeat this step as needed to add more fields to the Export Template. To remove a field from the Export Template, click the "X" icon next to the field name within the "Mapped Fields" list box. To rearrange the fields in the Export Template, drag-and-drop the fields within the "Mapped Fields" list box into the desired sequence.

Note: If you selected "Import Exceptions" as the activity type in step 7, the system will utilize a default file layout for the Export file; you can't make any changes to the fields contained within this layout. The Export file will include information about the exception condition, the record number, and any error messages.

  1. If you selected "Activities / Responses" above in step 6, an "Exclude Fields" section is displayed. This section allows you to optionally select one or more fields, or metrics, that you want the system to exclude when generating the Export file. The specific fields or metrics that are listed in this section will differ based on which Activity you selected above in step 7.

  2. If you selected "Activities / Responses" above in step 6, a "Metadata" section is displayed. This section allows you to select Metadata fields that you want added to the Export Template.

  3. The "Automate Exports" section allows you to optionally set a schedule for automatically generating the Export. If you don't want to define a schedule, select the "No Schedule" option. If you want to define a schedule, select the "Auto-Generate on Schedule" button, then define the recurrence frequency as follows:

        • Select either "Start Schedule Immediately" or "Start Schedule On." If you select "Start Scheduled On," enter the start date and time.

        • Define the recurrence frequency:

          • Daily: Enter an interval (every "X" days).

          • Weekly: Select one or more days of the week.

          • Monthly: Select either:

            • A specific number ("15th of the month" for example).

            • Define a business rule to calculate a date ("second Tuesday of every month" for example).

          • Yearly: Select either:

            • A specific month / date ("January 15th" for example).

            • Define a business rule to calculate a date ("second Wednesday in August" for example).

        • Select the schedule starting time:

          • Once a day: Enter a specific start time.

          • Several times a day: Define an interval in either minutes or hours. Also, define the active window during which the field can be calculated by selecting the starting and ending times for this window.

        • Select how long this automated schedule should run, either "Do Not End Schedule" or "End Schedule On." If you select "End Schedule On," enter the stop date and time.

  4. If you defined a recurring schedule, by default the system will use the time zone that's defined for your user account. To use a different time zone, click Edit > Set Time Zone in the Tool Ribbon. A "Set Time Zone" pop-up window is displayed. Select a time zone, then click ok.

  5. If you defined a recurring schedule, the system offers two additional delivery options.

Upload to FTPUpload to FTP

If you want the system to automatically upload the Export file to an FTP server:

    1. Within the "Automate Export" section, next to "Auto-Generate on Schedule," place a check mark in the "Upload to FTP" check box. The system adds a new "Upload to FTP" section to the screen.

    2. In the "Upload to FTP' section, select an FTP Profile.

    3. In the "File Path" field, enter the filepath to which the Export file should be saved. The value you enter here should include both the folder path and the file name. If you want to insert the current date into the filename, use the mask: {(yyyy-MM-dd)}.

    4. If you want to use PGP encryption, place a check mark next to "PGP Key," then enter your encryption key.

    5. If you want to compress the file, place a check mark next to "ZIP File."


Email as AttachmentEmail as Attachment

If you want the system to automatically email the Export file to one or more recipients:

    1. Within the "Automate Export" section, next to "Auto-Generate on Schedule," place a check mark in the "Email as Attachment" check box. The system adds a new "Send as Email Attachment" section to the screen.

    2. In the "Send as Email Attachment" section, enter the subject line for the email message.

    3. In the "From Address" field, enter the "from" value for the email message.

    4. In the "To Address" field, enter one or more email addresses for the individuals who should receive the email message.

    5. In the "Message" field, enter a short description.

    6. In the "File Name Mask" field, enter the file name for the Export file. If you want to insert the current date into the filename, use the mask: {(yyyy-MM-dd)}.

    7. In the "Max Attachment Size" field, enter the maximum file size (in megabytes) allowed by the anticipated email servers' configuration. If an Export file surpasses this limit, then the file will not be emailed.

    8. If you want to use PGP encryption, place a check mark next to "PGP Key," then enter your encryption key.

    9. If you want to compress the file, place a check mark next to "ZIP File."


  1. To save your changes, click Edit > Save in the Tool Ribbon.



 Delete an Export Template

Click hereClick here

To delete an item:

  1. Search for the desired item (see Search for an Item for more details).

  2. Click on the item name. The main item screen is displayed and populated with the details of the selected item.

  3. In the Tool Ribbon, click Edit > Delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click delete item to confirm the deletion.

Foldered items are moved to the Recycle Bin. Non-foldered items are permanently deleted.



 Manually Execute an Export

Click hereClick here

Exports can be automated to run on a regularly-scheduled basis (see "Create a New Export Template" above for more details on setting up an automated scheduled), or they can be manually executed to run immediately.

To manually execute an Export:

  1. Search for the desired Export Template (see Search for an Item for more details on the available search methods).

  2. Click on the Export Template name. The Export Template screen is displayed and populated with the details of the selected Export Template.

  3. In the Tool Ribbon, click Edit > Save and Generate File. The system begins creating the Export file.

For more details on how to download the Export file once it's finished, see "Download an Export File" below.



 Download an Export File

Click hereClick here

Export files (whether generated through an automated scheduled, or executed manually) can be downloaded from the Messaging platform.

To download an Export file:

  1. Search for the desired Export Template (see Search for an Item for more details on the available search methods).

  2. Click on the Export Template name. The Export Template screen is displayed and populated with the details of the selected Export Template.

  3. Click "Exported Files" in the Function Menu. The system displays a list of all Export files created from this Export Template, along with a status, start date / time, end date / time, and the number of rows in the file. To refresh this list and see the most current status, click the refresh button (double-arrow icon).

  4. Next to a finished Export file, click the "download" link in the Export ID column. The system downloads the file to your local PC.



 Troubleshooting an Export

Click hereClick here

If your export wasn't generated as expected, check the following:

  • Open the location on the FTP server where the export file is expected, and verify that the file is not present. 

  • Check the schedule of the export; has it correctly run and generated a file? 

 If the problem persists, please contact Global Support for further assistance.