Configure a Print Campaign: Launching


The final step in the Campaign process is to launch it. The Launching sub-section is used to configure launch parameters, and to actually launch the Campaign.

Post-launch, this sub-section is used to stop or pause the Campaign, and to run the Pick Up Changes process. 

To access the Launching sub-section, select "Launching" from the Functional Menu on the left. 



The features and options related to launching the Campaign are described below. 

  Launch the Campaign

Click hereClick here 

Within a Print or Data File Extract Campaign, you can launch a Campaign with, or without, proofs.

Launch Without Proofs

To Launch a Campaign without running proofs:

  1. Select "Launching" from the Functional Menu.

  2. In the "Pre-Launch Review" section, place check marks next to the processing steps where the platform should stop and require an approval before continuing on to the next step. For each option that's checked, an approval will be required before the Campaign can proceed.

  • Queuing Statistics: Confirm the stats before letting content calculation begin.

  • Content Permutations: Review the permutations before letting personalization begin.

  • Sending: Require approval of the overall Campaign before sending messages.

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Launch Campaign. The system launches the Campaign.

Launch with Proofs

When you launch with proofs, the system will automatically put the Campaign in a "suspended" status to give you the opportunity to review the proofs. To launch a Campaign with proofs

  1. Select "Launching" from the Functional Menu.

  2. In the "Pre-Launch Review" section, place check marks next to the processing steps where the platform should stop and require an approval before continuing on to the next step. For each option that's checked, an approval will be required before the Campaign can proceed.

  • Queuing Statistics: Confirm the stats before letting content calculation begin.

  • Content Permutations: Review the permutations before letting personalization begin.

  • Sending: Require approval of the overall Campaign before sending messages.

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Launch with Proofs. The "Launch Campaign with Proofs" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Select one or more proofing options:

  • Unique: Create proofs of each unique content variation.

  • Random: Select records randomly through one or both of the following methods:

    • Enter a record quantity; the system will select that number of records from the beginning, middle, and end of the campaign audience.

    • Enter a record quantity; the system will select that number of records randomly throughout the entire campaign audience.

  • Specific: Create proofs based on permutations of values in one or more selected field. For example, if you have different content for males and females, you could pick the "Gender" field to see a proof of the "male" message and the "female" message.

  1. Click launch with proof. The system launches the Campaign. The "Pre-Launch Audits" status area shows the progress of the proofs as they are created.  

  2. When the proofs are finished, the status changes to "Done." To view the proofs, click the preview button (magnifying glass icon). The Preview window is displayed and populated with a spreadsheet-style view of the fields in your file. The Dynamic Panel on the right-hand side of the screen lists all of the fields. To test how a value appears within a field, enter a value in the field within the Dynamic Panel, then click Preview Content > Refresh in the Tool Ribbon. The system refreshes the preview screen, and populates that field with your test value.

  3. When finished, click Preview Content > Close Preview in the Tool Ribbon to return to the main edit screen.

Post-Launch Options

The features and options available post-launch are described below. 

  Approve a Launch Step

Click hereClick here 

The "Pre-Launch Review" section of the Campaign screen allows you to set define which launch steps require manual review and approval before the platform can proceed to the next step. If you selected any of these options, you'll need to approve that step before the launch process can continue.

To approve a launch step:

  1. In the "Review and Approve" section, click approve next to the step that's awaiting approval. The system displays a warning dialog box.

  2. Click ok. The system then proceeds with the next step in the launch process.


  Un-approve (Pause) Sending Step

Click hereClick here 

The platform allows you to set optional “approval” checkpoints during the launch process. These checkpoints are displayed on the Campaign Launch screen, and are generally intended to be used during the initial launch of the Campaign, so you can review audit statistics of a launch step. When you approve that step, the platform then proceeds to the next step.

After a Campaign has launched and begun deploying, you can optionally use the Sending approval checkpoint as a way of pausing message deployment. Essentially, you are “unapproving” the Sending step that you previously approved, in order to stop the Campaign from sending.

When you unapprove the Sending step, the system immediately stops sending messages, but continues to queue any new triggered messages, and continues to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) on any messages previously deployed. The status of the Campaign is changed to “Pending Approval.” The Sending step can later be re-approved in order to resume sending. Unapproving the Sending step is typically done when you need to make changes to an active Campaign via Pick Up Changes, you want to queue records while suspended, and you intend to later resume the Campaign.

If you unapprove the Sending step in a triggered Campaign (either date- or event-triggered), the platform continues to “listen” for trigger occurrences while the Campaign is in a suspended state. Any triggers that occur while suspended will be captured, the messages will be queued, and the platform will send those messages after you re-approve the Sending step.

Note: Even if you click all three “Unapprove” buttons, the system will still continue to queue any new triggered messages.

For more details on all the available options for stopping a Campaign, please see Stop Campaign Deployment.

To un-approve the Sending step:

  1. In the "Review and Approve" section, click un-approve next to "Sending."


  Suspend / Resume the Campaign

Click hereClick here 

When you suspend a Campaign, the system immediately stops queueing messages, and stops sending messages. The platform will continue to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) on any records deployed prior to you suspending it.

If you attempt to suspend a Campaign while it's still in the message creation phase, the platform will complete message creation before suspending the Campaign. 

The status of the Campaign is changed to “Suspended.” This Campaign can later be resumed. Suspending a Campaign is typically done when you need to make changes to an active Campaign via Pick Up Changes, and you intend to later resume the Campaign.

For more details on all the available options for stopping a Campaign, please see Stop Campaign Deployment.

The available "Suspend" options depend on the type of Campaign, each of which is described below.

Suspend a Regular One-Off Campaign

To suspend a Regular One-off Campaign:

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Suspend Campaign. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok.

Suspend a Date-triggered Campaign

Within a Date-triggered Campaign, the platform will not add new records to the processing queue while the Campaign is in a suspended state. So, even if the Recurrence Frequency occurs while the Campaign is suspended, those new triggered records won't be added to the queue. Those records will essentially get "skipped," even if you later resume the Campaign.

Conversely, any existing records that were in the processing queue at the moment you suspend the Campaign will remain in the queue. If you later resume the Campaign, those queued records will get deployed. Suspending a Date-triggered Campaign just stops NEW triggered records from being added to the queue.

To suspend a Date-triggered Campaign:

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Suspend Campaign. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok.

Suspend an Event-triggered Campaigns

Within an Event-triggered Campaign, the platform offers two different options for suspending a Campaign:

  • Suspend, and don't queue -- With this option, the platform will NOT add new records to the processing queue while the Campaign is in a suspended state. So, even if the triggering event occurs while the Campaign is suspended, those new triggered records won't be added to the queue. Those records will essentially get "skipped," even if you later resume the Campaign.

  • Suspend, and queue -- With this option, the platform WILL add new records to the processing queue while the Campaign is in a suspended sate, if the triggering event occurs. Those new triggered records will be added to the queue, and those records will get deployed when you later resume the Campaign.

With both of the above options, any existing records that were in the processing queue at the moment you suspend the Campaign will remain in the queue. If you later resume the Campaign, those queued records will get deployed.

To suspend an Event-triggered Campaign:

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click one of the following:

  • To suspend without queueing new triggered records, click  Launch > Suspend All. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok.

  • To suspend and continue to queue new triggered records, click Launch > Suspend Send Only.  A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok.

Resume a Campaign

To resume a Campaign (of any type):

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Resume Campaign.



  Stop the Campaign

Click hereClick here 

When you stop a Campaign, the system immediately stops queueing messages, and stops sending messages. Any messages currently in the queue at the moment you click Stop are recorded, and the platform will retain history of the fact that these messages were “queued but not sent.” The platform will continue to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) on any records deployed prior to you stopping it.

The status of the Campaign is changed to “Done.” This action can’t be undone, and the Campaign can’t later be resumed.

For more details on all the available options for stopping a Campaign, please see Stop Campaign Deployment.

To stop a Campaign:

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Stop Campaign.


  Cancel the Campaign

Click hereClick here 

When you cancel a Campaign, the system immediately stops queueing messages, and stops sending messages. Any messages currently in the queue at the moment you click Cancel are removed, and the platform doesn’t retain any history of the fact that these messages were “queued but not sent.” The platform will continue to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) on any records deployed prior to you canceling it.

The status of the Campaign is changed to “Canceled.” This action can’t be undone, and the Campaign can’t later be resumed.

Note: If you delete a launched Campaign by moving it to the Recycling Bin, the system automatically changes the status for this Campaign to “Canceled.” Even if you later restore the archived Campaign from the Recycling Bin, you still can’t resume it.

For more details on all the available options for stopping a Campaign, please see Stop Campaign Deployment.

To cancel a Campaign:

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Cancel Campaign.


  Run Pick Up Changes

Click hereClick here 

The Pick Up Changes feature allows you to make modifications to a launched Campaign. These changes will then be applied to all un-sent messages.

You must suspend the Campaign before you can run Pick Up Changes. The only exception to this rule is an Event-triggered Campaign that uses Advanced Event Trigger as the Trigger Type; in that one scenario, you don't need to first suspend the Campaign before running Pick Up Changes. 

Note: Any messages that have already been deployed can't be retrieved.  

For Regular One-Off Campaigns, you can change the Campaign schedule and content; however, you can't change the Filter once the Campaign launches.

For Event-triggered and Date-triggered Campaigns, you can change any aspect of the Campaign, including the Filter.

To modify a launched Campaign:

  1. Make any necessary changes to the Campaign.

  2. Select "Launching" from the Functional Menu.

  3. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Suspend Campaign. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok.

  4. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Pick Up Changes.

  5. When Pick Up Changes is finished, in the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Resume Campaign.

Note: Some channels, such as Print and Data File Extract, allow you to recreate the proofs when you pick up changes. In the Tool Ribbon, click Launch > Pick Up Changes with Proofs.


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