People Explorer


The People Explorer screen allows you to visualize and analyze your customer population along different dimensions. You can then easily turn the data visualization into a Segment for targeting purposes.


To access the People Explorer screen, select Members > People Explorer from the Main Navigation Menu.


 Explore Member Data

Click hereClick here

  1. In the Dimension field, select an Attribute. The platform generates a donut chart, indicating the distribution of values in this Attribute.

Note: For an Attribute to be accessible in the People Explorer, you must enable the Use as Dimension feature for that Attribute. Please see Member Attributes for more details.

  1. Optionally repeat the above step to add a second Attribute. The platform adds a second level to the donut chart, allowing you to see the intersection of values between the two selected Attributes.

Note: The platform imposes a maximum limit of two selected Attributes.

  1. Optionally hover your mouse cursor over a segment of the donut graph to view additional details.  

  2. Optionally click the Legend toggle switch in the top-right corner of the chart to remove the legend.

  3. To remove an Attribute, click the "X" icon next to the Attribute name within the Dimension field.


 Create a Segment

Click hereClick here

After exploring your customer data, you can create a Segment directly from the People Explorer screen:

  1. Select one or two Attributes as described above.

  2. Within the donut chart, double-click on the desired segment of your customer population.

  3. Within the Summary section of the screen, the platform generates a chart that represents the size of this segment, as compared to the size of your total customer population. This section also displays the logical criteria used to define this segment.

  4. Optionally, to remove a logical criteria from the segment, click the "X" icon next to the logic description. Or, click Clear All to remove all logical criteria.

  5. Click create segment.

  6. To view your new Segment, navigate to the Segments screen. Your Segment uses a default name consisting of the Segment's logical criteria description.


 Export the Visualization

Click hereClick here

  1. Select one or two Attributes as described above.

  2. Click export.

  3. The platform generates a PDF file, containing the donut chart data visualization.


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Last Updated: August 2024