Campaign Configuration: Tracking Codes


A Tracking Code Campaign is a special type of "placeholder" Campaign typically used for items that can't be easily linked to a regular marketing Campaign, such as an opt-in web form or a banner advertisement. The primary difference from a regular marketing Campaign is that there's no message content associated with a Tracking Code Campaign.

Note: Tracking Code Campaigns were previously available from a separate screen within the application. That screen has been retired, and the functionality has been moved under the "Tracking Codes" channel from the main Campaign screen instead. In addition, the functionality that was previously available in the "Banner Ad," "Paid Search," "TV Ad," " Radio Ad," Magazine," and "Billboard" channels has now been consolidated under the "Tracking Codes" channel.

Tracking Code Campaigns generate a Campaign ID, which can then be included in links on third party sites. When that Campaign ID is passed back to Messaging, the platform can then attribute that activity to the placeholder Campaign. This activity information is then available in Reports, Filters, and Triggers, just like a standard Campaign.

Tracking Codes can be used to capture the following types of user activity:

This topic describes all of the various configuration options available for Tracking Code Campaigns. This topic assumes that you already created the Campaign (see Campaigns for more details on how to create a Campaign).

The Campaign screen is organized into the following areas:

Select an item above for more details on that section.





Campaign Settings

The Tool Ribbon at the top of the screen provides access to the following general Campaign settings.

 Configure Campaign Metadata

Click hereClick here

Engage+ offers the ability to tag Campaigns with custom Metadata fields and values. These Metadata fields allow you to create Filters that look for specific Metadata tags in them, or for use in reports, future Campaigns, or other tasks. You can also add Metadata fields to the Campaign content for personalization. 

To assign Metadata values to a Campaign

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Edit > Set Metadata. The Metadata pop-up window is displayed, listing every Metadata field defined for this account. A red asterisk is displayed next to every field that's required for Campaign launch.

  2. Enter or select the desired Metadata values.

  3. Click ok.

Note: Metadata tagging is not available for every channel.

For more information on setting up Metadata fields, see Metadata Settings.



 Assign Campaign Tags

Click hereClick here 

Optionally, you can assign one or more Tags to your Campaign. These Tags serve as an organization tool that allow you to group together items for reports and Filters.

To assign a Tag to the Campaign:

  1. Click on the "Add tag" field in the Tool Ribbon. The system displays a pop-up menu of all the existing tags.

  2. Select an existing tag, or type in a new one and press Enter.

  3. Repeat the above step as needed to add more tags. Optionally, to remove a tag, click the "X" icon next to the tag label.  

Campaign Management

The Campaign screen provides the following Campaign management features:

 Copy a Campaign

Click hereClick here 

To copy an existing Campaign: 

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click Edit > Save As. The "Save As" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. The default name of the new Campaign is "Copy of" followed by the base Campaign name. Optionally enter a different name in the "Copy's Name" field.

  3. The default folder location for the new Campaign is the same folder as the base Campaign. Optionally select a different folder location where you want to save the new Campaign. 

  4. The default Campaign type for the new Campaign is the same as the base Campaign. Optionally select a different Campaign type.

  5. Click save a copy


 Delete a Campaign

Click hereClick here 

When you delete a Campaign, the system moves it from its current folder location into the Recycling Bin, where it can optionally be restored if needed. If the selected Campaign is stored in a folder to which you don't have the proper access privileges, you won't be able to delete that Campaign.

  1. In the Tool Bar, click Edit > Delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click delete. The system moves the Campaign to the Recycling Bin.  


 Rename a Campaign

Click hereClick here 

To rename a Campaign:

  1. In the Tool Bar, click Edit > Rename. The "Rename the Item" pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. In the "New Name" field, enter the new name.

  3. Click save new name.


 View Campaign Details

Click hereClick here 

To view detailed information about the Campaign:

  1. In the Tool Ribbon, click the "Campaign" tab. The Item Details panel is displayed, which provides the following information:

  • Who created the item, and who modified it last.

  • The Campaign's Object ID and Object Reference ID.

  • A log of actions taken on the Campaign, including what the action was, when it was taken, and who performed the action.

  1. Optionally click "Related Items" in the left-hand menu. This section lists other items in the system that reference or utilize this Campaign.


Back to Campaigns

Topic updated: April 2021