Standard Activity Exports


Engage+ allows you to extract data from your database in order to use that data outside of the platform for further analysis, or as input into some other process or system. This Help topic provides an overview of the standard activity Exports, as well as the different options that exist to configure these Exports.

The platform also allows you to define your own Exports be creating "Export Templates." An Export Template controls the content and layout of the extract, the schedule of when and how often it runs, and the destination of the Export file (such as an FTP server, for example). For more information on creating Export Templates, please see the Exports Help topic.

Messaging supports five standard activity Exports, all of which are related to customer activity in the email marketing channel. A unique file is generated for each activity type and includes data only from a single deployment table (usually a "Recipient" or "Customer" table).

The typical Export schedule is set to execute once a day at 2:00 AM in your local time zone. Once an Export file is generated, the file will be available to be downloaded from the Messaging platform. Files are retained for at least seven days. Please note that smaller files (under one gigabyte) will remain available for a longer duration.

Though Messaging does provide a great deal of flexibility in setting up your Exports, we've found that most clients utilize similar file layouts and fields for each activity Export type. The five standard activity Exports are as follows:



Recommended File Name


Export of records for all email messages sent.



Export of records for recipients who have opened a message.



Export of records for recipients who have clicked on a link within a message.



Export of records that bounced.



Export of records for recipients who have opted-out from future communications



Note: The file names listed above are only recommendations; file naming conventions can be modified to meet your needs

Export Options

This section describes the options available to you in regards to the content, schedule, and delivery of the standard activity Exports.

Export Criteria

By default, each of the standard activity Exports will include all relevant customer activity for the activity type.  Optionally, you can further limit the data that's included within an Export by setting specific additional criteria. The options described below are available for all five activity types:

The "Bounce" activity Export includes the following additional criteria:

The "Click" activity Export includes the following additional criteria:

File Layout

The file layout controls the contents of the Export file. The following configuration options are available for the file layout:


Exports can be executed manually, or based on an automated schedule. If using the automated schedule feature, the platform provides the following options:

Delivery Options

All finished Export files (within the file retention period) are available to be downloaded from the Messaging application.

In addition, if you set up an automated schedule, you can optionally have the platform send the Export file to an FTP server and / or email the Export file as an attachment to a selected group of recipients.

All file transfers are done via SFTP using an account that is set up specifically to receive or pull data from your specific Messaging account.

Files can optionally be PGP encrypted and / or compressed. Encryption is recommended, especially if using FTP as the transfer protocol. If using the PGP encryption option, you should add a ".pgp" extension to the file name.

For more information on your delivery options for Export files, please see the Export Help topic.

Custom Exports

If you require more advanced customization options, your Onboarding team will work with you to define your requirements and to provide a scope of work for the hours and costs associated with setting up a custom Export. 

Some of the more commonly requested advanced custom Exports include:

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