
Marigold Loyalty Events lets you define events for your members to attend. You can create Events to target specific member segments to maximize the effectiveness of each Event. You can optionally add one or more presenters to the event, and choose an existing survey challenge for attendees to complete.

Setting Up Events

Program Settings

There are no Program Settings for Events.

Using The Events Screen

Use the Communities | Events screen to manage your Events.

Searching and Sorting

The Events includes a variety of facilities to make it easy for you to search, filter, sort, and export/import records.

Content Management

Use Marigold Loyalty’s Content Management capabilities to manage your Events:

For more information about Marigold Loyalty’s powerful Content Management capabilities, see Content Objects.

 Define Event Effectivity

Click hereClick here

Events are governed by an overall Effectivity Period that controls when a Event is considered active and available for use. In addition to the overall Effectivity Period for the Event, the platform allows you to set more granular schedules that control when a Member can respond to the Event (called the Response Period), and when the platform considers responses to be usable for reporting and analytics (called the Usage Period). Optionally, you can click the Recurring checkbox to define a new recurring schedule for an item's effectivity when the Select Period Type is Fixed.

Note: Depending on the Event type, the effectivity period options may vary slightly. You may see some, or all, of the options described below.

Response Period

To define the response period:

  1. Click on the Select Period Type drop down and choose:

  • Same: Uses the same effectivity period as defined for the Event.
  • Relative
    1. Select the interval and a unit of time for the beginning of the date range. Ex. 1 hour.
    2. Select the interval and unit of time for the end of the date range. Ex. 2 weeks.
  • Fixed
    1. Enter a date range relative to the publish date. 
    2. Select the time zone you want the effectivity period to be effective.
    3. Optionally, check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule. See below for details on creating a new recurring schedule.
  1. Click save.

Usage Period

To define the usage period:

  1. Click on the Select Period Type drop down and choose:

  • Always: Event does not expire.
  • Same: Uses the same effectivity period as defined for the Event.
  • Relative
    1. Select the interval and a unit of time for the beginning of the date range. Ex. 1 hour.
    2. Select the interval and unit of time for the end of the date range. Ex. 2 weeks.
  • Fixed
    1. Enter a date range relative to the publish date. 
    2. Select the time zone you want the effectivity period to be effective.
    3. Optionally, check Recurring to use a recurring schedule. Select the desired schedule from the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, or define a new recurring schedule. See below for details on creating a new recurring schedule.
  1. Click save.

Define Recurring ScheduleDefine Recurring Schedule



To define a new recurring schedule for this item's effectivity:

  1. From the Recurring Schedule drop down menu, select Enter Schedule. The Repeat pop up window is displayed.

  2. Select a recurrence frequency of Weekly or Monthly from the Frequency drop down menu.

  3. In the text field, enter the interval.

  4. For a Weekly frequency, select one or more days of the week. For example, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  5. For a Monthly frequency, choose one of the following options:

  • Day of month: Select one or more days of the month. Ex: the 15th and the 30th.

  • Day of week: Select one or more days of the week, for each of the four weeks within a month. Ex: the second Wednesday of the month.

  1. Click ok. The system adds the new schedule to the Recurring Schedule drop down menu.



Event Attributes

Following is a list of the main attributes:

Event Definition

Use the Event | Definition screen to view additional information about the Event.


Enter one or more members who are leading the event. Members can view these presenters when viewing Event details.


Choose one or more survey challenges for the Event. After completing the event, attendees can complete the surveys associated with the Event.

Event Display

Use the Content Editor in the Display tab to specify what the cover of the Event should look like to the member based on the channel and presentation mode.

For more information about Marigold Loyalty’s Content Editor, see Content Editor.

Event Eligibility

Use segments and locations to specify which members can see and respond to an Event.

Event Advanced Settings

Use the Advanced tab to manage the advanced settings.

Managing Event Responses

Use the Event | Responses screen to view responses for one Event.

Each response has a status:

Using Event Dashboards

Use the Event | Dashboard screen to analyze the responses for one Event. You can analyze: