Definition Tab: Physical Product


The Definition tab for a Physical Product displays high-level information about the product, such as the fulfillment type and Reward Class, and any custom JSON code. For more information on how to configure a Reward Class within the Loyalty platform, please see Reward Classes.

 Edit Product Properties

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To edit a Metric type of Physical Product:

  1. Within the "Definition for Product" section, click edit. The "Edit Reward" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Fulfillment Type" drop-down menu, select a fulfillment type.

  3. In the "Reward Classes" field, begin typing in the name of the desired Reward Class. Select the Reward Class from the drop-down menu. Repeat this step as needed to add more Reward Classes. For more details, please see Reward Classes.

  4. Optionally, make any changes to the JSON code for this Reward.

  5. Click save.


 Edit Product Requirements

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The Product requirements you define below will be validated upon Member redemption of this Reward.

To edit a the requirements for a Physical Product:

  1. Within the "Requirements" section, click edit. The "Edit Reward" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Optionally check "Shipping Address" if the Members must provide his or her shipping address when redeeming this Reward.

  3. If you checked "Shipping Address," optionally check "Verify Address" to validate the address value.

  4. Optionally check "In Store" if the product will be available for purchase in a physical location. Instead of a shipping address, values for certain attributes (defined below) must be provided instead of a shipping address.

  5. If you checked "In Store," in the "Required Attributes" field, select one or more attributes defined for this Reward's Class.

  6. Click save.


 Define Attribute Combination

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This tab lets you define valid combinations of attributes, and assign SKUs, images, and Redemption costs for each combination. The available attributes are defined as part of the Reward Class. Once you assign a Reward Class to the Product, you can define combinations. For example, let's say you offer a t-shirt with the following two Class attributes:

  • Color: Valid values are "red" and "blue"

  • Size: Valid values are "small," "medium," and "large"

By combining these two attributes, you can enter up to six valid combination (small red, small blue, medium red, and so on). For each combination, you can define a unique SKU, cost in points, and image.

To configure the attribute combinations for a Physical Product, you must first define the attributes and their valid values for the Reward Class, and assign this Product to a Reward Class. See Reward Settings for more details on this process.

  1. Within the "Combinations" section, select an attribute from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click add attribute. The platform adds this attribute to the grid in the "Combinations" section.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed. When you add an attribute, the system automatically calculates and displays all permutations of the selected attribute, and all previously selected attribute. Each combination of values is displayed as a row in the grid.

Note: Be sure to add all your attributes before continuing with the next steps. Any custom "Amount" and "SKU" values, or custom images, will be removed if you add or delete attributes.

  1.  The default "Amount" and "SKU" values for each combination are applied. To edit the amount or SKU for a combination, click the edit icon within the desired cell in the grid. The "Edit Values" pop-up window is displayed. Enter the desired value and click save.

  2. To edit the image for a combination, click the edit icon within the desired cell in the grid. The "Edit Values" pop-up window is displayed. Click choose file, and browse to and select the desired image file.

  3. Optionally, to remove an attribute, click the delete icon within the header row for that attribute. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click confirm.

  4. Optionally, to rebuild the grid of attribute combinations, click rebuild.


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