Punch Card Details: Moments


The Moments tab allows you to trigger the deployment of relevant messages to Members related to their Punch Card. As Members progress through the stages of the Punch Card life cycle, the platform can be configured to automatically deploy these messages, if specified conditions are met. The process of using Moments provides a more integrated, streamlined method of creating and sending messages than using Triggered Actions

Note: The use of Moments requires the use of Marigold Engage+ and the Engagement Data Platform (EDP). Please speak to your Client Services Representative if you have any questions about these Marigold applications. 

Most of the Moments (such as IssuedPunched, and Completed for example), are triggered when changes occur to the Member's Punch Card in real-time. Other Moments (such as Opt-In Reminder and Hurdle at Risk) are designed to be evaluated and initiated based on a recurring schedule. 

Note: The schedule-based Moments are not yet enabled. 

Through the use of conditional logic, you can target content to different Members. For example, you could send different "Issued Punch Card" messages to your Members based on their current Tier. Or, you could limit messages to only Members who have a mailing address in the United States. The different versions of content and their associated conditions are referred to in the platform as variants. When a Moment is triggered, the platform will evaluate whether a variant applies based on the conditions specified, and if so, sends the message to the Member. If a Member qualifies for multiple variants, the platform will send the first one listed in sequence. 


The features available on the Moments tab are described below.  

 Create a Content Variant

Click hereClick here

To create a content variant:

  1. Using the toggle buttons, select the desired Punch Card Moment.

  2. Click add variant. The platform adds a new variant to the list, with a default system-generated name. 

  3. Click on the new variant to expand the panel and display additional properties. These properties are organized into different sections; see below for more details. 

  4. To enter a different name for the variant, click on its name. In the pop-up window, enter a descriptive name for this variant.

  5.  When finished, click save


The Selector section allows you to define rule conditions to target messages only to specified Members. A Member must meet the conditions in order to receive the designated message. 

  1. Click the Add icon, then select Add Rule. The platform adds a new blank row for defining the Rule Condition. 

  2. From the first drop-down menu, select the desired Attribute. This menu is populated with all of the different Attributes for building a condition, organized by Attribute Type.

  3. Select a mathematical operator. The available operators will vary based on the data type of the selected Attribute. 

  4. Enter or select a value. 

  5. Some attribute types allow you to define additional criteria, such as a date range, or a channel type, for example. Select or enter the additional criteria. 

  6. Repeat the above steps as needed to define more Rule Conditions. If you need to delete a Rule Condition, click the Delete icon next to it. 

  7. Once you define more than one Rule Condition, select the logical operator. From the "Include customers that meet" drop-down menu, select either: 

  • All of the following: The conditions are processed with a logical 'AND' operator such that all conditions must be true for an individual to be included. 

  • Some of the following: The conditions are processed with a logical 'OR' operator such that at least one of the conditions must be true for an individual to be included. 

  1. Click save.  

Optionally, you can organize Rule Conditions into a Rule Group. The Rule Group has its own AND / OR operator which allows you to define more complex, sophisticated Rules. To create a Rule Group:

  1. Click the Add icon, then select Add Rule Group. The platform adds a new Group with a blank row for defining the logical condition within the Group.

  2. Follow the steps as described above for creating Rule Conditions within the Group. 

  3. Select the logical operator to use for the Conditions within the Rule Group. 

  4. Repeat the above steps as needed to define more Rule Conditions within the Group. 

  5. Repeat the above steps as needed to define more Rule Groups. You can use the Add Rule Group option at either the parent level, or within an existing Rule Group, thereby allowing you create a "nested" Group. The platform indents Rule Groups to help you visually identify the hierarchy of Groups.

  6. If you need to delete a Rule Group (and all Rules within it), click the Delete icon next to it. 

  7. Click save


The Content section is used to edit or preview the message associated with this variant. 

To preview how the content appears within message content:

  1. Click preview.

  2. The platform opens a new browser tab or window, and displays the different versions of the item's content.


To edit how the content appears within message content:

  1. Click edit.

  2. The platform opens the Content Editor in a new browser tab or window.


To select the communication channel:

Note: The Push Notification channel is not yet enabled. 

  1. Check send email.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select a Marigold Engage+ Email Campaign. 

To be available for selection in a Moment, the Email Campaign in Marigold Engage+ must be launched, and it must be configured with the following properties:

  • Campaign Type: Event-Triggered

  • Data Source: Engagement Data Platform

The actual content of the message that you send to your Members (including the email body element and the subject line) should be created within the Loyalty Content Editor, and not within Messaging. The Messaging Campaign is essentially an "empty" message that gets populated with the content passed over from Loyalty. To accomplish this, you must insert the following metadata Merge Symbols into Messaging:

  • In the Subject Line Field, enter: {(meta:punch_card_subject_line)}

  • In the Content field, enter: {(meta:punch_card_content)}

The Messaging Campaign must also include the necessary HTML body wrapper and style information. As a best practice, you can put all of this HTML information into a Messaging Content Block, then add that Content Block to the Campaign. In this manner, the HTML information is easily repeatable across Campaigns. 


 Edit a Content Variant

Click hereClick here

To edit a variant:

  1. Using the toggle buttons, select the desired Punch Card Moment.

  2. Click on the variant to expand the panel and display its properties.

  3. Make any necessary changes to the variant's properties.

  4. Click save


 Delete a Content Variant

Click hereClick here

To delete a variant:

  1. Using the toggle buttons, select the desired Punch Card Moment.

  2. Next to the desired variant, click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click confirm


 Rearrange Variants

Click hereClick here

The Loyalty platform allows you to define multiple content variants for the same Punch Card Moment. When a Moment is triggered, the platform will evaulate whether a variant applies based on any conditions specifiied, and if so, sends the message to the Member. If a Member qualfiies for multiple variants, the platform will send the first one listed in sequence. Therefore, the sequence in which the variants are arranged on the screen is important. To rearrange the variants:

  1. Using the toggle buttons, select the desired Punch Card Moment.

  2. Click and hold the "handle" area to the left of the variant name. 

  3. Drag the variant, and drop it into its desired new sequence. 


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