Content Editor

Display Menu

At the top of the Display subtab of all program content objects is a menu bar that controls different aspects of the display editing experience.

The tools on the menu bar are:

Master Content and Displays

The Display subtab includes a Master Content element followed by an element for each selected layout. All of them offer similar content editing capabilities, described below.

To make changes applicable to all layouts, the change should be made to the master content.

Edits should be made to a specific layout to override the value for the layout. For example a different size heading or a different image for a specific layout. Once an element in a layout is edited, it is unlinked from the master content and changes to the master content don’t flow down to the element. If needed, such an element may be reset back to the master content provided value.

Note - The list of displays may be uncluttered by deselecting all unneeded layouts from the Layouts menu.

Content Tools

This How To will explore the steps in editing the Content Display in the Loyalty Platform. The Content Display can be edited for a whole variety of actions and tools that can be performed with the Loyalty Platform. These include Challenges, Offers, and Rewards.

The steps involved in editing the Content Display are:

  1. Editing Master Content

  2. Troubleshooting for Each Display

Editing Master Content

Inserting Text

Adding an Image

Positioning an Image

Choosing a Color Palette


Troubleshooting for Each Display

There are several displays that are offered by the Loyalty Platform.

Editing A Specific Display

Note: Not all displays support image editing & panning even if it allows you to change images. The Content Display must contain the *Position Image icon before it can be edited.*