Cheetah Loyalty Places iOS

The Cheetah Loyalty Places iOS SDK contains a collection of classes, methods, and protocols that encapsulates implementation of location and/or geofencing.


  • Deployment Target: iOS 11.0
  • Xcode 11.x
  • Swift 5.1
  • CheetahLoyaltyCore v1.2.1
  • CheetahLoyaltyUI v1.2.1



  1. Install CheetahLoyaltyCore and CheetahLoyaltyUI frameworks.
  2. Download the CheetahLoyaltyPlaces SDK from the releases.
  3. Extract it then drag & drop CheetahLoyaltyPlaces.framework to your project’s directory.
  4. In “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section under the “General” tab, click on the “+” button then “Add Other”, and then “Add Files…”.
  5. Select the CheetahLoyaltyPlaces.framework file and make sure that it is set to “Embed & Sign” in the “Embed” column in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section under the “General” tab.


You can also check out our API Reference for more detailed information about our SDK.