Filter Activity Type - File Import

This activity type returns all the recipients that came in on a particular import or were imported into a specific folder.

To define the parameters for this activity Filter option:

  1. Drag-and-drop "File Imports" from the Dynamic Pane onto the Filter Workspace. The Build Criteria dialog box is displayed.

  2. Define your Filter criteria using the options described below.

  3. Click save criteria

Filter Options

 Filter Activity Option: Folder (Campaign)

Click hereClick here

This option lets you pick a specific folder where a Campaign (or Campaigns) is located. This option will return all records from all Campaigns in the specified folder.

  1. In the drop-down menu in the "From Campaigns" section, select either "sent campaigns" or "queued campaigns."

  2. Click the check mark next to "... in a Folder." The system opens a new tab in the dialog box named "Campaign Folder." Within the new tab, the system displays the Navigation Tree with the folder structure for the current system.

  3. Navigate to the desired folder or sub-folder, then click the folder name. The system displays this folder within the "Selected Folder" section on the right-hand side of the dialog box.

Note: You can select only one folder. If you click another folder, the system replaces the previous folder with the newly selected one.

  1. If you need to remove this Filter criteria, either click the "X" icon within the "Campaign Folder" tab, or toggle off the check mark next to "... in a Folder."



 Filter Activity Option: Import File

Click hereClick here

This option allows you to select all records that were received on a specific import file (or multiple files).

Note: When you import data, the system will automatically create a Filter that selects the records in that import. This system-generated Filter will consist of a single rule that uses this "Select Import File" activity option to target the records in that import file.

  1. Click the check mark next to "... all records on a specific Import File." The system opens a new tab in the dialog box named "Import File." Within this new tab, the left-hand side of the dialog box shows the Navigation Tree, listing all of the folders in this system; the center section shows the Item Listing, which displays all the files in the selected folder.

  2. Navigate to the folder where the import file is stored . The Item Listing is refreshed to show the files stored with that folder. Or, if you want to search across the entire system, click the double-left arrow icon near the top of the directory structure; the system collapses the directory structure. The Item Listing is refreshed to show every import file in the system.  

  3. Optionally, you can search for an import file using the following options:

  • To search based on a tag, click on the "Search by Tag" field. The system displays a pop-up menu of every tag utilized within the current system. Select a tag from this menu. The Item Listing is refreshed to display all files in the selected folder tagged with this value. You can optionally select additional tags. Multiple tags are joined with an "OR" operator, meaning the system will display items that contain ANY of the selected tags. To remove a tag from your search, click the "X" icon next to the tag value.

  • To search based on the file name, begin typing in the "Search by Name" text box. With each additional letter that you type, the system further refines the search, and displays the results in the Item Listing. The system utilizes a "contains this text" search method, meaning that the system will search for your text string anywhere within the file name, not just at the beginning of the name. To delete your text string, click the "X" icon to the right of the "Search by Name" text box.

  1. Click on the file name. The system adds this file to the "Selected Import File" list along the right-hand side of the dialog box.

  2. Optionally, the above steps as needed to select additional files to this activity criteria. Each additional file is added to the "Selected Import File" list.

  3. If you need to remove this Filter criteria, either click the "X" icon within the "Import File" tab, or toggle off the check mark next to "... all records on a specific Import File."



 Filter Activity Option: Date Criteria

Click hereClick here

This option allows you to define a date range using either specific dates, or using calculated dates.

  1. Click the check mark next to "Date Based Calculations." The system opens a new tab in the dialog box named "Date Criteria."

  2. From the "Date" drop-down menu, select the date option:

    • Exactly

    • More than

    • More than or exactly

    • Less than

    • Less than or exactly

    • Between

  3. If you select any date option other than "Between," you must set the boundaries of the date range by defining the "date math" calculation. First, enter a number, a unit of measure (days, weeks, etc.), and an operator (before or after) for the calculation. Then, you must define the starting point for this calculation -- click "Today" to use today's date, or click "Date" to pick a specific date. The line graph is updated to provide a visual representation of your date range.

  4. If you select "Between" as the date option, you must define the start and end dates. For the start date, click "Today" to use today's date, or click "Date" to pick a specific date. Repeat this process for the end date.

Note: The start and end dates can't both be "Today."

  1. If you need to remove this Filter criteria, either click the "X" icon within the "Date Criteria" tab, or toggle off the check mark next to "... Date Based Calculations."



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