Single Phase vs. Multi-Phase Onboarding Execution


This topic describes the advantages and disadvantages of using a phased, or iterative, approach to onboarding into the Messaging platform.

Clients will often ask if their onboarding can be approached in phases. They may ask "Do all Campaigns within a given channel need to launch at once?"  Or, "Do all channels (Email, SMS Text, Push Notifications, etc.) need to launch at once?"

While the ideal onboarding effort is handled in a single-phase engagement between the Client and the Cheetah Digital Onboarding team, it's possible to successfully utilize a multi-phased execution approach, as long as a best-practice tenet is adhered to. Specifically, completing the requirements gathering process in its entirety is critical, even if marketing channels, or Campaigns within a channel, are rolled out in subsequent phases.

To understand the importance of this approach, we’ll provide an overview of the Cheetah Digital Onboarding process, and take a look at some common issues that can influence the decision between a single phase versus a multi-phase onboarding execution.


The Cheetah Digital Onboarding process has three stages (not to be confused with a multi-phase execution strategy). The three stages of the Cheetah Digital Onboarding process are:

Iterative development of the BRD spans two of these three stages -- Discover and Execute. The Discover stage involves defining the functional and technical requirements required to build a Messaging solution for the Client. Upon agreement and sign-off of all sections of the BRD, Cheetah Digital and the Client will have the information necessary to develop (Execute) and test (Activate) all configurations as they relate to the agreed upon functional and technical requirements. At the conclusion of the Activate stage, testing and acceptance of the Messaging solution will be complete, and the solution can move into production.

If a Client has constraints, whether internal (such as accessibility of key personnel, sprint development cycles, seasonality) or external (such as third party vendor engagement, contractual obligations), that preclude the entirety of the onboarding scope of work to be accomplished within a single onboarding cycle, a multi-phase execution approach can be utilized. In these circumstances, the Cheetah Digital Onboarding team will recommend that the Discover stage be done holistically in a single effort, as opposed to doing Discover phases that align against each distinct Execute and Activate stage.

Holistic requirements gathering helps ensure that the database diagram -- a critical component of the Messaging configuration -- will effectively support all Campaign types, across all channels the Client will be using. Taking a piecemeal approach to the Discover stage and aligning it against a multi-phased execution plan is far more likely to result in re-work and change requests, since a full vetting of the design can't be applied before the build work begins.

Other Considerations

In addition to the singular, holistic Discover stage, Clients may also want to consider the following when evaluating whether a single phase or a multi-phase execution onboarding is appropriate for their needs:

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