Export Definition Details


The Export Definition Details screen provides all of the information about the selected Export Definition.


To access the Export Definition Details screen, click on the desired Export Definition from the Exports screen.

Navigation links are provided near the top of the Export Definition Details screen:


 Edit Export Definition Properties

Click hereClick here

To edit the Export Definition properties:

  1. Click the Edit icon next to the Export Definition name. The "Edit Export Definition Name" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Optionally change the name of the Export Definition.

  3. If your account is configured to use Business Units, optionally enter one or more Business Units to which this Export Definition applies. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click confirm.

Note: If you assign a Business Unit to an Export Definition, you can't later change or remove that assignment.

  1. From the "Integration Queue Name" field, select a priority ranking for this Export Definition: High, Normal (the default setting), or Low. The platform will automatically process files in the highest possible priority queue unless that queue is empty; then the platform will move to the next-highest possible priority queue, and so on.

  2. Click save.


 Delete an Export Definition

Click hereClick here

To delete an Export Definition:

  1. Click the Edit icon next to the Export Definition name. The "Edit Export Definition Name" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click confirm.


 Execute an Export Definition

Click hereClick here

Export Definitions can be scheduled to run automatically on a one-time or recurring basis. You can also manually execute an Export Definition as follows:

  1. Click run. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click confirm.

The Export Definition Details screen is split into multiple steps, identified by a series of numbered items across the top of the screen. You can complete these steps (described below) in any order you like.

Note: The sequence and content of these screens varies slightly depending on the Connector type. 


Click hereClick here

The options available on the Filter screen vary based on the Connector type. Select one of the following for more details:

Secure FTP / Amazon S3 ConnectorsSecure FTP / Amazon S3 Connectors

For Connector types of Secure FTP and Amazon S3, an export filter comprises one or more logical rules that define what records are selected and included in the export file.

  1. Click 1: filter.

  2. To create a new rule, click the Add button (plus sign icon).

  3.  From the first drop-down menu, select an attribute.

  4. From the second drop-down menu, select a mathematical operator.

Note: The LIKE operator allows you to search for part of a string using "%" as a wild card character. For example, if you wanted to export all People records that have "cheetahdigital.com" as their email address domain, you would select LIKE as the operator, then enter the value of "%@cheetahdigital.com."

  1. In the text field, enter a value.

  2. Repeat the above steps as needed to define additional rules.

  3. If your filter has multiple rules, use the toggle buttons to define the logical operator used to join the rules -- AND or OR.

  4. Click save. Or click next to move to 2: Map & Transform.

Rule Groups

To create a group of rules connected with their own logical operator:

  1. Within the 1: Filter screen, click group.

  2. Within the Group box, click the Add button (plus sign icon) to define the first rule for the group.

  3. From the first drop-down menu, select an attribute.

  4. From the second drop-down menu, select a mathematical operator.

  5. In the text field, enter a value.

  6. Repeat the above steps as needed to define additional rules for the Group.

  7. Within the Group box, use the toggle buttons to define the logical operator -- AND or OR. This operator applies only to the rules inside this Group.

Note: By clicking the group button inside the Group box, you can create "nested" groups.



HTTP API ConnectorsHTTP API Connectors

For HTTP API Export Definitions, an export filter is controlled by a query that defines what records to export.

  1. Click 1: filter.

  2. From the Bigdata Query drop-down menu, select the desired query.

  3. Click save. Or click next to move to 2: Destination.


Google Ad / Facebook Ad ConnectorsGoogle Ad / Facebook Ad Connectors

For Connection types of Facebook Ads and Google Ads, an export filter is controlled by a Segment that defines what records to export to the ad platform.

  1. Click 1: filter.

  2. From the Segment drop-down menu, select the desired Segment.

  3. Click save. Or click next to move to 2: Destination.



 Map and Transform

Click hereClick here

The options available on the Map & Transform screen bary based on the Connector type.

Note: This screen is not used for HTTP API Connectors. 

Select one of the following for more details:

Secure FTP / Amazon S3 ConnectorsSecure FTP / Amazon S3 Connectors

The Map & Transform section is used to define the data map for the export file. The data map allows you to identify which field in the source table should be written to which column in the export file. You can either define the data map manually, or upload a file of column header names to define the data map.

  1. Click 2: map & transform.

  2. Define the data map using one of the two options described below. 

  3. Click save. Or click next to move to 3: Destination.

Manually Define the Data Map

  1. Click add row (or select Add Row from the "Add" drop-down menu).

  2. From the Field Name drop-down menu, select the desired field.

  3. To perform a data transformation on this field, click add. From the pop-up menu of available options, click the desired Data Transformation. Repeat this step as needed to add additional Data Transformations.

  4. In the Destination field, enter the column name in the export file.

  5. Repeat the above steps to define additional fields to export. 

  6. Check Required if the field is required

  7. To remove a field, click the Delete button (trash can icon).

Upload Headers

Click upload headers (or select Upload Headers from the "Add" drop-down menu).

  1. In the "Upload Headers" pop-up window, click choose file.

  2. Browse to and select the desired file.

Note: The file of column header names must be in .csv or .txt format.

  1. From the "Delimiter" drop-down menu, select a delimiter character, or select Custom and enter the custom character

  2. Click upload. The Map & Transform screen is populated with the column header names from the uploaded file.

The column header names are displayed within the Field Name field, in the same sequence as they appear in the uploaded file. The platform attempts to map each header name in the uploaded file to a field in the export table. If the platform finds a match, the Field Name drop-down menu is populated with that field name.

  1. If the platform couldn't identify a field name (or if the field name is incorrect), select the desired field from the "Field Name" drop-down menu.

  2. To perform a data transformation on a column, click add. From the pop-up menu of available options, click the desired Data Transformation. Repeat this step as needed to define additional data transformations.

  3. In the "Destination" field, enter the column name in the export file.

  4. Check Required if the field is required.

  5. To remove a column, click the Delete button (trash can icon).


Google Ad ConnectorsGoogle Ad Connectors

The Map & Transform section is used to define the data map for the export file. When exporting data to send to the Google Ad platform, the export file must conform to strict field naming conventions. By default, this screen will automatically list all of the fields supported by Google Ad. The Destination column lists the standard Google Ad field names.

Note: Do not change the standard Google Ad field names listed within the Destination column. 

The screen lists ALL the available fields, but you should send only the field(s) associated with the Match Type you selected on the Destination screen. This means you to delete the fields that you don't need. 

  1. Check Required if the field is required.

  2. Based on the Match Type you selected, delete the unwanted fields by clicking the Delete icon to the right of the Destination. For each Match Type listed below, you must send the correct field(s), and delete everything else:

  • Email:

    • email

  • Phone:

    • mobile_phone

  • Mailing Address

    • mailing_country

    • mailing_postal_code

    • last_name

    • first_name

  1. Click save. Or click next to move to 4: Schedule


Facebook Ad ConnectorsFacebook Ad Connectors

The Map & Transform section is used to define the data map for the export file. By default, this screen will automatically list all of the fields supported by Facebook. The Destination column lists the standard Facebook field names.

Note: Do not change the standard Facebook field names listed within the Destination column. 

  1. Check Required if the field is required.

  2. The screen lists ALL the available fields supported by Facebook, but you don't need to send all of them. Delete any unnecessary fields by clicking the Delete icon to the right of the Destination. 

  3. Optionally, you can map multiple fields into the same ad platform field. For example, let's say you have a "home email" and a "work email" field in your Campaign source table. You could map both of those fields into the same "EMAIL" field in the Facebook ad platform.

  4. Click save. Or click next to move to 4: Schedule



Click hereClick here

The Destination screen is used to define the destination of the export file. The options available on the Destination screen vary based on the Connector type. Select one of the following for more details:

Secure FTP / Amazon S3 ConnectorsSecure FTP / Amazon S3 Connectors

  1. Click 3: destination.

  2. From the "Connection Profile" drop-down menu, select a Connection Profile (see Connectors for more details).

  3. In the "File Path" field, enter the path to the folder where you want to save the export file.

  4. In the "Filename" field, enter the name of the export file.

  5. From the "Delimiter" drop-down menu, select a delimiter character, or select Custom Delimiter and enter the custom character.

  6. If you want the export file to include a column header row, select Yes from the "Include Headers" drop-down menu.

  7. From the File Encoding drop-down menu, select an encoding method (the default method is UTF-8).

  8. To export a Control File along with the export file, enter the desired Control File name in the "Control File Name" field. The Control File contains the expected record count of the export file. 

  9. To PGP-encrypt the export file, select the desired Encryption Key from the "Encrypt with" drop-down menu. 

  10. Click save. Or click next to move to 4: Schedule.

HTTP API ConnectorsHTTP API Connectors

  1. Click 2: destination.

  2. From the "HTTP Operation" drop-down menu, select an HTTP method. 

  3. Click save. Or click next to move to 3: Schedule.

Google Ad ConnectorsGoogle Ad Connectors

  1. Click 2: destination.

  2. From the "Connection Profile" drop-down menu, select a Connection Profile (see Connectors for more details).

  3. From the "Account Name" drop-down menu, select the desired Google Ad account.  

  4. The "Audience Name" drop-down menu is populated with the existing Audiences, for the selected ad account. This drop-down menu is populated in real-time, so if you create Audiences in the ad platform, they will appear in this menu. Select the Audience that you want to populate with the records selected by your Segment.

  5. Select a match option: Email, Phone, or Mailing Address. This option defines how Google will attempt to match the records in the Segment to existing Google accounts. 

Note: You must provide the appropriate fields on the Map & Transform screen that correspond to the match option you select here. 

  1. Click save. Or click next to move to 3: Map & Tansform.


Facebook Ad ConnectorsFacebook Ad Connectors

  1. Click 2: destination.

  2. From the "Connection Profile" drop-down menu, select a Connection Profile (see Connectors for more details).

  3. From the "Account Name" drop-down menu, select the desired Facebook account.  

  4. Enter the Audience ID for the desired Facebook Audience that you want to populate.

  5. Click save. Or click next to move to 3: Map & Transform.




Click hereClick here

In addition to running an import on demand, Loyalty supports the following automated execution options -- run once at a specified date / time, or run repeatedly at a specified frequency.

  1. Click 4: schedule.

  2. In addition to running an import on demand, Loyalty supports the following automated execution options -- run once at a specified date / time, or run repeatedly at a specified frequency. Configure the desired option as described below. 

  3. Optionally, if you want to send error notifications, toggle "Error" to Yes, then enter the email addresses for the notification recipients.

  4. Optionally, if you want to send success notifications, toggle "Success" to Yes, then enter the email addresses for the notification recipients.

  5. Click save.

Execute Once

You can schedule an export to process once at a specified date / time.

  1. Toggle Enabled to Yes.

  2. From the Recurrence drop-down menu, select Once.

  3. Click into the "Execute Once On field." A calendar pop-up window is displayed.

  4. Select the desired date when you want the export to execute.

  5. Within the calendar pop-up window, click the clock icon.

  6. Define the time when you want the export to execute.

  7. From the "Time Zone" menu, select the time zone to use when determining the time to execute.

Execute on a Recurring Frequency

You can schedule an export to run on a recurring frequency:

  1. Toggle Enabled to Yes.

  2. From the Recurrence drop-down menu, select Repeat.

  3. Next to Schedule Composer, select an interval:

  • Hour: Select the minute past the hour.

  • Day: Select the time of day.

  • Week: Select the day of the week, and the time of day.

  • Month: Select the day of the month, and the time of day.

  • Year: Select the day, the month, and the time of day.

  1. Optionally, to manually enter a CRON expression, check "Advanced Mode," then enter the expression.

  2. Define the export schedule begin and end date. If you leave these date ranges blank, the schedule will run indefinitely.

  3. From the Time Zone menu, select the time zone to use when determining the time to execute.


 Job History

Click hereClick here

To view the execution history of an Export Definition:

  1. Click 5: job history. Each execution of an export is displayed as a row on the Job History screen. Each row indicates the start and end date / time, the current status, and the number of records exported.

  2. Optionally, to filter the Job History log by processing status, select a status value from the drop-down menu, then click the Search button

  3. Optionally, to download a log file associate with an execution, click the Download icon within the Action column:

  4. Optionally, to delete a job, click the Delete icon within the Action column.


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