
Using The Places Screen

Use the Locations | Places screen to define Places, which are geographical locations which are a point of interest for your brand. Create places to keep track of any physical location, including stores, kiosks, restaurants, stadiums, etc. Specify the physical address, operating hours, and phone number of the location.

You can switch layouts between a list view–showing a list of existing Places–or a map view–showing the existing Places on a map.

After you define a Place, you can use the Place in Eligibility, such as the Offer Eligilibility, Challenge Eligbility, and Reward Eligibility screens.

Searching and Sorting

The Places screen includes a variety of facilities to make it easy for you to search, filter, sort, and export/import records.

Content Management

Use Marigold Loyalty’s Content Management capabilities to manage your Places:

For more information about Marigold Loyalty’s powerful Content Management capabilities, see Content Objects.


Use the Places | Zones subtab to manage subdivisions of a place for finer-grained targeting. Create one or more zones within a place to keep track of a more precise locations within a place. Zones are most effective when they are within reach of multiple Beacons that can identify positioning more precisely.

When defining Zones, you can optionally upload a Zone Map, which is a .jpg or .png image showing a top-down layout of the Place.


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