Member Attribute Details


The Member Attribute Details screen provides detailed information about the selected Attribute.


To access the Member Attribute Details screen, click on the desired record from the Member Attributes screen.

Navigation links are provided near the top of the Member Attribute Details screen:

The Member Attribute screen is organized into different sections available by clicking the appropriate tab. 

Select an item above for more details on that tab.

Calculation Rules





The basic properties for the Member Attribute are displayed at the top of the screen in the Header section. The features available within this section are described below.

 View or Edit Member Attribute Properties

Click hereClick here

To edit the properties of the selected Attribute:

  1. In the top section of the Member Attribute Details screen, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Member Attribute" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Make any necessary changes to the Attribute properties. 

  3. Click save.


  Delete an Attribute

Click hereClick here

To edit the properties of the selected Attribute:

  1. In the top section of the Member Attribute Details screen, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Member Attribute" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. 

  3. Click confirm.


  Set Attribute Status

Click hereClick here

To set the status of an Attribute:

  1. In the top-right section of the Member Attribute Details screen, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Member Attribute" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. The Attribute status is used to specify when an Attribute is actively in use. From the "Status" drop-down menu, select the desired status value -- Draft, Published, or Archive.

  3. Click save.  


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