Redemption Details


The Redemption Details screen provides additional information on a single Redemption.


To access the Redemption Details screen, first find the desired Redemption on the Redemptions screen, then click on the Reward name.


The Redemption Details screen provides the following features:

 Change Redemption Status

Click hereClick here

A Redemption has one of the following possible status values:

  • Pending

  • Processing

  • Completed

  • Cancelled

  • Errored

To change the status for a Redemption:

  1. From the "Action" drop-down menu, select "Edit." The "Update Processing Status" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. From the "Processing Status" drop-down menu, select the desired status.

  3. From the "Activity Processed" drop-down menu, select either "Yes" or "No."

  4. Click save.  

Note: Once a Redemption has been either Completed, Cancelled, or Errored, you can no longer manually change the Redemption status.



 Approve / Reject Redemption

Click hereClick here

If a Redemption's approval status is still "Submitted," you can approve or reject the Redemption. The possible approval status values are:

  • Submitted: The Member has submitted the Redemption, but it is not yet accepted or rejected.

  • Approved: The Redemption has been approved, either manually by a Marketer or automatically with the auto-approve feature.

  • Rejected: The Redemption has been rejected by a Marketer and is ineligible to receive the Reward. You must manually reject a response. You can send a message to the Member regarding the rejection and give him or her the opportunity to re-submit a response.

  • Returned: The Redemption has been rejected, but the Member has the opportunity to re-submit a response.

To approve or reject the Redemption:

  1. From the "Action" drop-down menu, select "Approve" or "Reject."


 Delete a Redemption

Click hereClick here

To delete a Redemption:

  1. From the "Action" menu, select "Edit." The "Update Processing Status" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click confirm.



 Post Comment to News Feed

Click hereClick here

To post a comment about this Member's Redemption:

  1. From the "Action" menu, select "Post to Feed," then select which newsfeed (such as "Main Newsfeed" for example).

For more information on newsfeeds, please see News Feeds.



 Send Reward Redemption Email

Click hereClick here

To email the Member who redeemed a Reward:

  1. From the "Action" menu, select "Email."

  2. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click confirm.



 Edit Member's Shipping Address

Click hereClick here

The Member's shipping address is displayed within the top-right corner of the Redemption Details screen. To edit this shipping address:

  1. Within the "Shipping Address" section, click edit. The "Edit Address" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Make any necessary changes to the address information.

  3. Click save.  




 Add a Note

Click hereClick here

Any previous notes are displayed within the "Notes" section of the Redemption Details screen (including the user who added the note, and the date / time when the note was added).

To add a new note to this Redemption record:

  1. Within the "Notes" section, enter the text of the note in the "Write a note" field.

  2. Click add note.  




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