Segment Details: Results


To see a detailed list of all the consumers selected by the Segment, you must run the Segment logic on the Results tab.


The features and options available from the Results tab are described below.

 Refresh Members

Click hereClick here

Before you can run the Segment logic to see the list of selected Members, you must first complete the following steps:

  • Set the Segment status to Published.

  • Deploy the Segment metadata (see Segments for more information on this process). If you've made any changes to the Segment rules since the last deployment, you'll need to run this process again.

After you've completed the above steps, to run the Segment logic:

  1. On the Results tab, click refresh members.

  2. The system displays a progress bar, indicating the progress of the Segment execution process.

  3. When finished, the Results tab is refreshed with a list of the Members (ID, Name, and Email) selected by the Segment.


 Export Members

Click hereClick here

You can export the list of Members to be used outside of Loyalty, including:

  • As a target list for sending emails in an Email Service Provider platform.

  • As an audience definition for ad targeting in Facebook.

This Export feature doesn't allow you to define what columns are included within the export file. The export file generated by this feature will contain the ID, Name, and Email columns. If you need to define what columns are included in the export file, you must create an Export Definition.

Note: You should always refresh the consumers before exporting, to be sure you get the most current list of consumers.

  1. Click export members.

  2. When the export is ready, click the Download button. The export file is downloaded to your local PC.


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