Post Purchase (EDP)


The goal of the Post Purchase journey is to communicate order status to a consumer, and to then gauge their level of satisfaction with their purchase. The journey sends updates to the consumer regarding each step in the order life cycle (placed, shipped, and delivered). After delivery, the consumer is presented with the opportunity to submit a review of the product, which will result in either a "Thank you" email (in the event of a positive review) or a call to find out what went wrong (in the event of a negative review).

The following diagram depicts the default flow for the Post Purchase journey. This journey is one of the more complex standard journeys available in the Journey Designer, with multiple tracks representing the different stages of the order process, followed by both "positive" and "negative" outcomes, depending on the consumer's review. 
The Post Purchase journey begins when a consumer places an order. The platform sends an Order Confirmation email message to the consumer. If, after a suitable wait period, the order status hasn't changed, the journey will notify your call center of an issue. 

When the order status changes to shipped, the journey moves the consumer to the "shipped" track. The platform sends a Shipping Confirmation email message to the consumer. If, after a suitable wait period, the order status hasn't changed, the journey will notify your call center of an issue. 

For both of the above tracks, if the order status hasn't changed after an additional wait period, then the journey automatically ends on the assumption that some sort of exception or error has occurred.

When the order status changes to delivered, the journey moves the consumer to the "delivered" track, which includes a Delivery Confirmation email message, followed sometime later by another email message requesting the consumer to provide a review of the product. This email provides a link to an "Entry Form" Experience, which is used to collect and submit the consumer's feedback. If, after another wait period, the consumer hasn't provided a review, the journey sends a reminder email. 

The journey ends successfully when the consumer provides a positive review of their purchase. The journey sends a final "thank you" email message. The platform records that the goal was achieved and removes the user from the journey. 

If the consumer provides a negative review, the journey notifies the call center for follow-up. The platform records a negative outcome and removes the user from the journey.
If the consumer hasn’t submitted a review after being reminded and waiting for a further period of time, the platform records a neutral outcome and removes the consumer from the journey. 

For additional details, please see:


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