Onboarding (EDP)


The goal of the Onboarding journey is to welcome new consumers or members to your brand, and to entice them to perform some action. The default Onboarding journey focuses on a purchase as the goal of the journey, but Journey Designer is flexible enough to accommodate other business objectives, such as:

The following diagram depicts the default flow for the Onboarding journey. 

The Onboarding journey begins when a new consumer is added to your database. The journey will welcome the consumer via an Email Campaign.  

Following this initial Campaign, the journey uses a series of additional Campaigns sent over a period of time to introduce the consumer to more aspects of your product, brand, or store. If you choose to include incentives in your Onboarding journey, you can wait between each contact to see if the consumer makes a purchase, and if not, to remind them via a "Last Chance" message. 

After all of the messages and wait times have completed, and the consumer still hasn't made a purchase, the platform removes them from the journey, and records that no purchase was made. 

If at any point the consumer makes a purchase, the platform will record that the goal was achieved, and then remove the consumer from the journey. 

For additional details, please see:


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