Anniversary (EDP)


The goal of the Anniversary journey is to reward loyal consumers for an anniversary, birthday, or some other special event. A consumer response, such as a purchase, can be tracked as the successful outcome of this journey.

The following diagram depicts the default flow for the Anniversary journey. 


The Anniversary journey begins when the platform recognizes that today's date is the anniversary of whatever event you're commemorating. The typical configuration of this journey identifies these consumers by looking at a specified date field (such as a birthdate) every day. 

After the consumer is added to the journey, the platform checks to see whether they qualify for a special offer. If so, the consumer is sent an email message containing the offer details. The journey will then wait to see if a purchase occurs, and if not, it sends a reminder email message. After another wait period, the journey will remind the consumer a second time.

If the consumer doesn't qualify for the special offer, the platform sends them a simple anniversary email message (without the offer details). The journey then waits to see if a purchase occurs. 

Note: The use of the term "offer" does not refer to an Offer asset within the Cheetah Loyalty platform. The default Anniversary journey does not make use of a Loyalty Offer. In the context of this journey, the term "offer" is used generically to refer to some sort of discount or other special promotion that you present to the consumer by means of an Email Campaign. 

If at any point the consumer makes a purchase, the platform will record that the goal was achieved, and then remove the consumer from the journey. 

If, after all of the email messages and wait times have completed, the consumer still hasn't made a purchase, the platform removes them from the journey, and it records that no purchase was made. 

For additional details on this standard journey, please see:


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