How to Find the Customer ID

Many API endpoints require you to provide a Customer ID. The Customer ID is a unique, system-generated identifier for each Messaging client account. This value is not displayed within the application user interface anywhere, so to get your Customer ID, you must retrieve it by means of an API request. Several different API endpoints will return the Customer ID as part of the response message. For example, if you use the GET method to retrieve information about a Content Block, the Customer ID is included in the response.

  1. Submit a GET request to the ContentBlock API endpoint (you'll need the Object Reference ID of an existing Content Block).

  2. As part of the API response message, the system provides your Customer ID.

Sample Response:


  "cont_id": 52431,

  "cont_name": "API Content Block",

  "cust_id": 555,

  "entity_id": 100,

  "type_id": "PARAGRAPH",

  "view_id": 1002,

  "contBodies": [


      "cont_id": 52431,

      "type_id": "HTML",

      "usage_mask": "ALL_EMAIL_STYLE_USAGE_MASK",

      "body": "body of content block goes here"



  "contModelProps": [],

  "contParts": [],

  "obj": {

    "obj_id": 45657,

    "display_name": "API Content Block",

    "type_id": "ContentBlock",

    "ref_id": 52431,

    "parent_obj_id": 11440,

    "eligibility_status_id": "READY"

