API Category: Campaign Deployment

The API endpoints in this category are designed as “triggers,” meaning they’re used to execute the deployment of a marketing Campaign upon receipt of a request message. Messaging supports several different message structures and format types to exchange the necessary data needed to trigger the desired Campaign.

The Campaign Deployment endpoints are as follows:





This feature is used to submit data collected from your consumers via a Web Form, or from another system via an API Post, then use that submission as the triggering mechanism for a Campaign deployment.

Standard Event Trigger

This endpoint provides the same functionality as the HTTP POST endpoint, except it requires authentication using OAuth 2.0, and supports JSON and XML messages.

Email Campaign Trigger

This endpoint is sometimes referred to as the "instant trigger" endpoint, because it will deploy a Campaign upon receipt of the API message, prior to loading the database.

Sequential Event Trigger

This endpoint allows you to send a single API request containing multiple records to be loaded into multiple tables. All records are inserted into these tables sequentially. The API request can then be used as the trigger mechanism for a Campaign deployment.

Advanced Event Trigger

A single API request sent to this endpoint can be used to load data into multiple joined tables. All records are inserted into these tables simultaneously, rather than sequentially, which greatly improves performance. The API request can then be used as the trigger mechanism for the deployment of an Email or Push Notification Campaign.


Summary of Differences

The following table summarizes the different features available to each of the Campaign Deployment endpoints.




Standard Event Trigger

Email Campaign Trigger

Sequential Event Trigger

Advanced Event Trigger

XML support

JSON support

OAuth 2.0 authentication

Deploy Campaign, then load data

Filter to restrict the Campaign Audience

Synchronous response message *

Looping Blocks without Filters

Looping Blocks with Filters

Record Metadata **

Personalization (Content Blocks, etc.)

* A "synchronous" message means that the API response message is sent after the Campaign is deployed. An "asynchronous" API response message is sent immediately after the request is received, and will therefore not accurately convey any errors that occur in downstream processing.

** The term "Record Metadata” refers to fields provided on the API call that are not used to load or update your database. These fields and their corresponding values can be used to personalize the message content. To use Record Metadata, you must manually insert these fields names (i.e., the Merge Symbols) into the message content. You then use the API call to provide the values for these fields. "Record Metadata” should not be confused with “Campaign Metadata,” which are metadata fields created and defined with the application, and are assigned to a Campaign as a categorization method (see Metadata Settings for more details on "Campaign Metadata") .


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