OAuth Applications

Using The OAuth Applications Screen

Use the Access | OAuth Applications screen to manage the access of mobile, web, and server applications to the Marigold Loyalty Cloud Platform. OAuth is a protocol that lets external apps–the *Client Applications* –request authorization to the Marigold Loyalty Cloud Platform. You can also use OAuth to monitor, manage, throttle, and revoke application access.

Each OAuth Application has the following attributes:


OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE

Previously, Marigold Loyalty has supported a password grant approach wherein a 'Client ID' and a 'Client Secret' are passed to authenticate a user and retrieve an access token to make subsequent requests to the Member API. This approach was able to be exploited if the mobile app or website exposes the API credentials.

The platform now supports more secure client application integrations with Loyalty by enabling OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). PKCE is used to make OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant type more secure through additional code verification and challenges. 

How OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant type works

There are many ways, or grant types, to get an access token from Marigold Loyalty depending on use cases, the client application type, or how secure the client application is. Per OAuth 2.0 specifications, client applications can be classified as either confidential or public. Authorization Code Grant is a grant type commonly used by both confidential client application types, such as traditional web apps or servers, and public client application types, such as single-page apps or native mobile apps; the flow in either case is initiated through the browser. To obtain an access token, the user is redirected from the client application to the Authorization Server (Marigold Loyalty) where the user has to log in and authorize the client application. Upon successful login, an authorization code is generated and returned to the client application through its registered callback URL. This code can then be used to securely request an access token.