Console Users


The Console Users screen allows you to view, create, and manage the users within your Marigold Loyalty account. 


To access the Console Users screen, select Admin from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Access > Console Users from the Sub-Category menu.


The Console Users screen provides the following features related to managing Loyalty user accounts:

 Searching and Sorting

Click hereClick here

The Console Users screen provides a variety of options for searching for users.


The search feature allows you to search for a specified text string anywhere within the following fields: Email, Name, Public Name, or Tags.

  1. Optionally, in the search field near the top of the screen, enter the desired text string.

  2. Press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon).

  3. The screen is refreshed to show only the users who meet your search criteria. 

  4. To remove all search criteria, click the remove button ("X" icon).


The "Sort" drop-down menu allows you to sort the users on a variety of different fields. To sort the list of users, select the desired sort option from this menu.

  • Name (default)

  • Created Date

  • Updated Date


Once you've found the desired user, you can navigate to the following other screens:


 Create a New User

Click hereClick here

To create a new user: 

  1. Click create. The "Add Console User" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Enter the user's name and email address.

  3. From the "Default Role" drop-down menu, select the user's default Role

  4. If this user has a Marigold Engage+ account, uncheck Email Credentials; authentication is handled by Messaging, and not by Loyalty, in this scenario. 

  5. Click create

To configure additional details about this new user, click the user's name to navigate to the Console User Details screen



 View or Edit a User

Click hereClick here

To view or edit the details of a user:

  1. Search or sort the Console Users screen as described above.

  2. Click the name of the desired user.

  3. The Console User Details screen is displayed. 


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Last Updated: October 2024