Tier Scheme Details: Base Rules


The Base Rules tab of the Tier Scheme Details screen allows you to define one or more Tier Tables. Each row in a Tier Table corresponds to a Tier (defined on the Definitions tab). Each column in a Tier Table corresponds to a condition or threshold required for a Member to attain that Tier. A Member must satisfy all conditions across all columns to achieve a given Tier (that is, multiple columns are joined with an AND logical operator). 


Managing your Tier Tables

The Base Rules tab provides the following features related to managing your Tier Tables. 

 Searching and Sorting

Click hereClick here


The search feature allows you to search for a specified text string anywhere within the Tier Table's Display Name or Internal Name. 

  1. Optionally, in the search field within the Base Rules tab, enter the desired text string.

  2. Optionally, from the "Status" drop-down menu, select a status (or "Any status").  

  3. Press Enter, or click the search button (magnifying glass icon).

  4. The Base Rules tab is refreshed to show only the Tier Tables that meet your search criteria. Please note that if you enter multiple search conditions, the platform displays only the Tier Tables that meet ALL criteria.

  5. To remove all search criteria, click the remove button ("X" icon).


 Create a New Tier Table

Click hereClick here

To create a new Tier Table:

  1. In the Enter Display Name field, enter the Display Name value for the new Tier Table.

  2. Click add tier table. The Tier Table is added. The default table comprises rows for all the Tiers defined on the Definition tab, with no condition columns.  

  3. Repeat the above steps as necessary to define additional Tiers Tables. 


 Edit Tier Table Properties

Click hereClick here

To edit the properties of a Tier Table:

  1. Optionally search for the desired Tier Table as described above.

  2. Within the Header section above the desired Tier Table, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier Table" pop-up window is displayed. 

  3. The Display Name field is populated with the value you entered above; optionally edit this value.

  4. The Internal Name is automatically populated based on the Display Name value. This field is disabled by default. To edit the Internal Name, check Edit Internal Name.  A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click ok. Edit the Internal Name value.

  5. In the Description field, optionally enter a description of the Tier Table.

  6. Click save.


 Set Tier Table Status and Effectivity

Click hereClick here

To configure the status and effectivity of a Tier Table:

  1. Optionally search for the desired Tier Table as described above. 

  2. Within the Header section above the desired Tier Table, from the "Status" drop-down menu, select the desired status value: Draft, Publish, or Archive.

  3. A confirmation dialog box is displayed; click confirm

  4. Within the Header section above the desired Tier Table, next to "Applicable," select the desired effectivity:

  • Always: This Tier Table is always effective.

  • In Periods: This option is enabled only if you've defined the Default Tier Period on the Settings tab. From the drop-down menu, select a Period. 


 Delete a Tier Table

Click hereClick here

To delete a Tier Table:

  1. Optionally search for the desired Tier Table as described above.

  2. Within the Header section above the desired Tier Table, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier Table" pop-up window is displayed.

  3. Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click confirm.

Working with Columns

The Base Rules tab provides the following features related to condition columns:

 Create a New Condition Column

Click hereClick here

The columns in a Tier Table represent the conditions that must be met for a Member to advance to the next Tier. To create a new condition column:

  1. Optionally search for the desired Tier Table as described above.

  2. Click add column. The "New Tier Column" pop-up window is displayed. 

  3. Next to Column Type, select the type of column:


A Metric column compares the earned value for the select reward metric (such as "loyalty points" for example) to the value specified in the column. 

To define a Metric column:

  1. Select the Metric radio button.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select the desired reward metric.

  3. Click save. The new column appears within the Tier Table. See "Assign Tier Column Value" below for details on how to assign the required point threshold. 


Metric GroupMetric Group

Metric Groups allow you to evaluate two or more metrics. The overall group is satisfied for a Tier if any of the constituent metrics are satisfied.

To define a Metric Group column:

  1. Select the Metric Group radio button.

  2. In the Display Name field, enter a display name for the Metric Group column.

  3. To define the first metric, from the first drop-down menu, select the desired reward metric.

  4. To define the second metric, from the second drop-down menu, select the desired reward metric.

Note: Multiple conditions within a Metric Group column are always joined by an OR operator, meaning a Member has to meet only one of the conditions for the entire Metric Group to be satisfied

  1. To define a third (or more) metric condition, click add metric, then select the desired metric. Repeat this step as needed.

  2. Click save. The new column appears within the Tier Table, with sub-columns for each selected metric in the group.  See "Assign Tier Column Value" below for details on how to assign the required point thresholds.




An Expression column is satisfied for a Tier if the provided Groovy expression evaluates to "true."

To define an Expression column:

  1. Select the Expression radio button.

  2. In the Display Name field, enter a display name for the Expression column.

  3. In the Expression field, enter the inclusion condition as a Groovy expression.

  4. Click save. The new column appears within the Tier Table. See "Assign Tier Column Value" below for details on how to assign the value needed for this expression to evaluate to "true."


 Assign Tier Column Values

Click hereClick here

To assign the value(s) that a Member must achieve for a specific Tier:

  1. Click the Edit icon in the Action column for the desired Tier. The "Edit Tier Column Value" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Enter the following, based on the type of column:

  • Metric Column: Enter the value the Member must achieve to attain this Tier. 

  • Metric Group: For each metric in the group, enter the value the Member must achieve to attain this Tier (the Member has to meet only one of the conditions for the entire Metric Group to be satisifed.

  • Expression: Enter the value needed for the Groovy expression to evalute to "true." 

  1. Repeat the above steps as needed to define the value for each Tier.

  2. Click save. The value(s) now appears within the column(s) for this Tier. 


 Rearrange Columns

Click hereClick here

To rearrange the column sequence:

  1. Within the Action column of any tier (it doesn't matter which one), click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier Column Value" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. To the left of a column name, click on the "handle" area.

  3. Drag-and-drop the column into its desired new sequence.

  4. Click save.


 Edit Column Properties

Click hereClick here

To edit the properties of a condition column:

  1. Within the header row of the desired column, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier Column" pop-up window is displayed. 

  2. Make any necessary changes to the column properties.

Note:  You can't change the column type.


  1. Click save.


 Delete a Column

Click hereClick here

To delete a condition column:

  1. Within the header row of the desired column, click the Edit icon. The "Edit Tier Column" pop-up window is displayed.

  2. Click delete. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click confirm.


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