Codes Overview


Marigold Loyalty Codes lets members register product purchases by entering product codes. Using Codes is as an alternative to receiving a POS feed from vendors or other POS integrations. For example, using Codes is a tactic that CPG companies can use to learn about member purchases without collecting purchase information from third-party vendors. Each Code (e.g. a sticker on a shampoo bottle) has many Code Certificates (e.g. code certificate “BK1232”). Marketers can provide prizes, such as points, entries into sweepstakes, or rewards to incentivize members to enter Codes. Although codes require that consumers register the code and may have possibilities of fraud, using Codes can have the benefit of collecting additional member information, such as location, and opportunities to surprise-and-delight members.


To access the Codes area of the platform, select Transactions from the Main Navigation Menu, then select Codes from the Sub-category Menu.


The Codes area of the platform includes the following features. Each of these features is accessible from the Sub-Category Menu.






Code Entries


Code Values


Code Responses



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