Offer Responses


Offers Responses are generated through the following two scenarios:

Offers Responses contain information that indicates the following:

Offers Responses are updated when Members redeem the Offer or if the Offer expires. Note that this is usually done via the API. Offer Responses can be updated in batches where you export the offer responses, update records as needed, and finally import the updated data. Completing this process will allow Offer Responses to remain in sync with other systems external to Marigold Loyalty such as POS where there is no API connection.


Offer Response Status for Grant Offer Triggers

Offers You can specify the status of the Offer Response generated by the Grant Offer Triggered Action. This is available when setting up new triggers and also can be applied to update existing triggers. This allows for more control over the generated response, simplifies actions, and ensures that the response aligns with the expected offer response status. The status options include Pending, which is the default, and Clipped.

Note: Existing triggers will continue to generate offer responses using the default Pending status if it is not otherwise updated.