
Leaderboards lets you create a listing to compare members or groups of members with each other to create healthy competition among themselves. Leaderboards lets you create one or more leaderboards. On each leaderboard, you can define the metrics you have created when you setup your program, and a variety of calculations to rank members or groups of members.

Setting Up Leaderboards

Program Settings

There are no Program Settings for Leaderboards.

Using The Leaderboards Screen

Use the Communities | Leaderboards screen to manage your Leaderboards.

Searching and Sorting

The Leaderboards screen includes a variety of facilities to make it easy for you to search and sort records.

Content Management

Use the platform's Content Management capabilities to manage your Leaderboards:

For more information about the platform's powerful Content Management capabilities, see Content Objects.

Leaderboard Types

Leaderboards supports several types:

Leaderboard Attributes

Specify these attributes to control the behavior of the Leaderboard:

In addition, there are several additional attributes for Group Score Boards:

All Leaders

Use the Leaderboard | All Leaders screen to view the all current entries in a Leaderboard.

If instructed by the the Customer Success Team, you can also click on the ‘Refresh Leaderboard’ button to instruct the Cloud Platform to re-populate the entire Leaderboard.

Check Ranking

Use the Leaderboard | Check Ranking screen to view the score of a specific Leaderboard entry. Search for a member or group, then view the entry’s leaderboard score.

If instructed by the Customer Success Team, you can also click on the ‘Refresh Leaderboard’ button to instruct the Cloud Platform to re-populate the entire Leaderboard.

Score Breakdown

Use the Leaderboard | Score Breakdown screen to view details about how the platform calculated a Group Leaderboard’s score. Search for a group, then you can view the group’s overall score. You can also view the group’s members and the score that each group member contributed to the group’s overall score.