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The Referrals kit allows the user to share a code to potential new users they invite and in turn, incur some benefits or rewards.

On this page:


To include the Referral kit, open the Gradle Scripts | build.gradle (Module: app) and add the following to the dependencies section:

   implementation '<version>'

The Referrals kit contains two features: Submit Referral Code and Share Referral Code.

Submit Referral Code enables users to enter the referral code.

UI Layout of Submit Referral Code

Share Referral Code displays the user’s referral code which they can share to others.

On the other hand, Referrals Activity is an Activity that shows both of these features in a ViewPager.

UI Layout of Referrals Activity

Launching the Referral Activities

  1. Add the Activities in AndroidManifest.xml:

             android:label="@string/referrals" />
         <activity android:name="com.cheetahdigital.referral.ui.referral.ShareReferralActivity">
                 <action android:name="${applicationId}.SHARE_REFERRALS" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
         <activity android:name="com.cheetahdigital.referral.ui.submitreferral.SubmitReferralActivity">
                 <action android:name="${applicationId}.SUBMIT_REFERRALS" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
  2. Launch the corresponding Referrals Activity from your parent Activity (let’s assume it’s MainActivity for this example):

     startActivity(new Intent(Actions.Referrals.getReferralsAction(MainActivity.this)));
     startActivity(new Intent(Actions.Referrals.getShareReferralsAction(MainActivity.this)));
     startActivity(new Intent(Actions.Referrals.getSubmitReferralsAction(MainActivity.this)));
  3. Override the following in your applications’s strings.xml to customize the texts displayed:

     <string name="referral_subject">Referral Subject"</string>
     <string name="referral_body" formatted="false"> "Insert Referral Body Here" Referral Code: %s \n\n Get the app here: \n iOS: %s \n Android: %s  \n</string>
     <string name="referral_ios_link"></string>
     <string name="referral_android_link"></string>
  4. This will be the result of the body when the refferal code is shared:

Theme Customization

The Kits leverage on Android’s built-in support for Styles and Themes. Overriding the Styles and Themes of the app will also change the corresponding Views used in this kit.

Layout Customization

Customizing Layouts via XML

You can customize the layouts of the different screens in the Referrals kit by copying the layout XML’s and overriding as desired. To read more about style-able layout XMLs, please visit the Layout Customization via XML document. The XML’s used are:

  • fragment_referral_code_generate.xml - layout for the Share Referral screen
  • activity_share_referrals.xml - layout for the Share Referral Activity which just acts as container for the Fragment that uses fragment_referral_code_generate
  • fragment_referral_submit_code.xml - layout for the Submit Referral screen
  • activity_submit_referrals.xml - layout for the Submit Referral Screen which just acts as container for the Fragment that uses fragment_referral_submit_code
  • fragment_referrals_page.xml - layout for the Fragment which displays both of Referrals screens in a ViewPager
  • activity_referrals - layout for the Referrals Activity which just contains the Fragment that uses fragment_referrals_page

Customizing Layouts via Code

There are certain cases that you may want to use a highly-customized layout for an Activity/Fragment. To read more about this, please visit the Layout Customization via Code document. The classes used for the Referrals kit are:

  • ShareReferralActivity and ReferralCodeFragment for sharing the referral screen
  • SubmitReferralActivity and SubmitReferralCodeFragment for submitting the referral screen
  • ReferralsActivity and ReferralsPagerFragment for displaying both the sharing and submitting referrals screen in a ViewPager.

Customizing Handlers

There are certain cases that you may want to change the default behavior of an Activity/Fragment. You can achieve that by extending the Activity/Fragment that you want to customize and overriding as necessary.

Handlers may occur in different places:

  • Adapters - for lists
  • Member variables inside Activities or Fragments
  • Member variables inside custom Widgets - for stand-alone custom Widgets

To start with, you may look at the classes mentioned in Customizing Layouts via Code.

Fully Custom UI

If changing the layout does not suffice for your app, you may also do a full customization. You can use the following methods from the ReferralAPI class:

Query Referral Code

getReferralCodes(ReferralParams referralParams, boolean clearCache,
                                 ListenerModel<BaseModel<List<ReferralCode>>, List<ReferralCode>> listener)

, and also the following method from the ProfileAPI class:

Submit Referral Code

submitReferralCode(ProfileParams parameters, Listener<SuccessResponse> listener)

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