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Content Tokens


The Content Tokens kit allows a marketer to define a reusable and dynamic content for clients to use. Content tokens are basically dynamic tokens. It is like variables with certain values that the clients can use. It also supports localization, allowing clients to not worry on the content and just retrieve the message or values. Common applications of this are support emails and links/url’s.

To include the Content Pages kit, open the Gradle Scripts | build.gradle (Module: app) and add the following to the dependencies section:

   implementation '<version>'

Content Token Implementation

Call the ContentTokenAPIgetContentTokens method

getContentTokens(ContentTokenParams contentTokenParams, boolean clearCache,                   
ListenerModel<BaseModel<HashMap<String, ContentToken>>,
HashMap<String, ContentToken>> listener)

Content Pages


The Content Pages kit retrieves content pages, specifically url, from the console (via Admin -> Content-> Content Pages) and displays it on the app.

UI Layout of Content Pages from HTML

UI Layout of Content Pages from HTML

Launching the Content Page Activity

To launch a Content Page, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add ContentPageActivity to the AndroidManifest.xml.

        <activity android:name="com.cheetahdigital.content.ui.contentpage.detail.ContentPageActivity"
                <action android:name="${applicationId}.CONTENT_PAGE" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
  2. Before starting the ContentPageActivity, pass the necessary information using the following extra keys:


    • IntentKey.PRIMARY_ID - the context of the calling activity (ex. ParentActivity.this)
    • IntentKey.CONTENT_PAGE_SCREEN_NAME - the file name that will appear as the title of the activity.
    • IntentKey.CONTENT_PAGE_TITLE - the file name saved on the console.
    • IntentKey.CONTENT_PAGE_OPEN_URL_EXTERNALLY - allows the url link to be opened externally.
    • IntentKey.CONTENT_PAGE_ALLOW_ZOOM - true to allow zooming otherwise false
    • IntentKey.CONTENT_PAGE_APPEND_STRING_TO_URL - append this string to the retrieved url
    • IntentKey.CONTENT_PAGE_WRAP_CONTENT - true to zoom out the content when it is larger thatn the web view window, otherwise false
    • IntentKey.PRIMARY_PARAMS - ContentPagesParams to use for ContentPagesAPI

Fully Custom UI

The ContentPagesAPI class contains different GET methods for querying Content Pages data. Each get method has a corresponding refresh method, which just removes the cached response prior to sending the actual request.

Querying Content Pages Data

getContentPages(ContentPagesParams contentPagesParams, boolean clearCache,
                                ListenerModel<BaseModel<ContentPages>, ContentPages> listener)

getContentPage(ContentPagesParams contentPagesParams, boolean clearCache,
                                      ListenerModel<BaseModel<ContentPage>, ContentPage> listener)          

Static Files


The Static Files kit retrieves HTML or images from the console (via Admin -> Content-> Static Files) and displays it on the application.

UI Layout of Static Files from HTML

UI Layout of Static Files from HTML

UI Layout of Static Files from Image

UI Layout of Static Files from Image

Launching the StaticFileActivity

To launch a Static File, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add StaticFileActivity to the AndroidManifest.xml.

        <activity android:name="com.cheetahdigital.content.ui.staticfiles.detail.StaticFileActivity"
                <action android:name="${applicationId}.STATIC_FILE" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
  2. Launch StaticFileActivity using intent. To add more information, use the following keys as intent extras:


    • IntentKey.PRIMARY_ID - internal name of the content page
    • IntentKey.PRIMARY_PARAMS - StaticFileParams to use
    • IntentKey.STATIC_FILE_TITLE - title for the content page. Displayed on the toolbar
    • IntentKey.STATIC_FILE_ALLOW_ZOOM - true to allow zooming otherwise false
    • IntentKey.STATIC_FILE_OPEN_URL_EXTERNALLY - true to open link externally otheriwse false.

Fully Custom UI

The StaticFilesAPI contains methods to call necessary APIs to query information regarding a specific static file or to query all available static files.

Querying Static Files Data

getStaticFile(StaticFilesParams staticFilesParams, boolean clearCache,
                              Listener<String> listener)
getStaticFiles(StaticFilesParams staticFilesParams, boolean clearCache,
                               ListenerModel<BaseModel<StaticFiles>, StaticFiles> listener)                                                          

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